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Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


Uttara Samarakoon, Ph.D.

Uttara Samarakoon, Ph.D.
Associate Professor & Program Coordinator, Greenhouse and Nursery Management
1328 Dover Road, HH 132B, Wooster, Ohio 44691
Degree Information: 
B.S., M.Phil., University of Peradeniya
Ph.D., Massey University

70% teaching, 30% research

My  research program focuses on developing sustainable crop production technology for ornamentals and hydroponic vegetables in controlled environment agriculture. Current research focus on developing sustainable production techniques for hydroponic food crop production. via nutrient optimization, substrate selection and diversification of hydroponic crops. I organize an annual workshop for K-12 teachers to provide training in greenhouse management and to integrate CEA education into the school curriculum.


  • HORTTEC 1201 Exploring Horticulture 
  • HORTTEC 2500T Greenhouse environment control
  • HORTTEC 2740T Plant propagation
  • HORTTEC 2540T Greenhouse production of annuals
  • HORTTEC 2560T Greenhouse vegetable production

Course coordination

  • HORTTEC 2189.21T-Greenhouse practicum
  • HORTTEC 2190.21 Leadership grower practicum
  • HORTTEC 2191.21T Greenhouse Management Internship



Journal Articles

Yang, T.; samarakoon, U.C.; Altland, J.; Ling, P., "Photosynthesis, Biomass Production, Nutritional Quality, and Flavor-Related Phytochemical Properties of Hydroponic-Grown Arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) ‘Standard’ under Different Electrical Conductivities of Nutrient Solution." AGRONOMY JOURNAL 11 7 (2021)
samarakoon, U.C.; Faust, J., "Shortening the Production Cycle of Clematis" HORTSCIENCE 55 12 (2020) 1974-1979-1974-1979
Samarakoon, U.; Palmer, J.; Ling, P.; Altland, J., "Effects of Electrical Conductivity, pH, and Foliar Application of Calcium Chloride on Yield and Tipburn of Lactuca sativa Grown Using the Nutrient-Film Technique" HORTSCIENCE 55 8 (2020) 1265-1271-1265-1271
Bennett, K.; Jent, J.; Samarakoon, U.C.; Schnabel, G. et al., "Reduction of Botrytis cinerea Infection on Petunia Flowers following Calcium Spray Applications" HORTSCIENCE 55 2 (2020) 188-191-188-191
samarakoon, U.C.; Elder, D.E.; Crook, N., "Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning: Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning: Developing Low-Cost Hydroponic Systems for Developing Low-Cost Hydroponic Systems for Subsistence Farmers in Ghana" NACTA 63 1a (2019)
samarakoon, U.C.; Faust, J., "Quantifying the Effects of Chelated Calcium and Salicylic Acid on the Postharvest Quality of Poinsettia Cuttings" HORTTECHNOLOGY 29 1 (2019)
Samarakoon, U.C.; Schnabel, G.; Faust, J.E.; Bennett, K. et al., "First report of resistance to multiple chemical classes of fungicides in Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold from greenhouse-grown petunia in Florida" Plant Disease 101 6 (2017) 1052-1052
Samarakoon, U.C.; Woolley, D.J.; Morgan, E.R.; Funnell, K.A., "Ontogeny of Crown Bud Clusters and Dormancy-breaking Treatments Influence Productivity and Spread of Harvest Maturity of Gentian 'Showtime Diva'" HORTSCIENCE 51 7 (2016) 829-837-829-837
Samarakoon, U.C., "Influence of photoperiod regime and exogenous plant growth regulators on crown bud formation in gentian" Scientia horticulturae 182 2014.11.023 (2015)
Samarakoon, U.C.; Funnell, K.A.; Woolley, D.J.; Morgan, E.R., "Influence of photoperiod regime and exogenous plant growth regulators on crown bud formation in gentian" SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 182 (2015) 56-64-56-64
Faust, J.E.; Korczynski, P.C.; Samarakoon, U.C., "Quantifying the Effects of Hanging Baskets on the Greenhouse Light Environment" HORTTECHNOLOGY 24 3 (2014) 369-373-369-373
Samarakoon, U.C., "Quantifying the Effects of Hanging Baskets on the Greenhouse Light Environment" HORTTECHNOLOGY 24 3 (2014)
Samarakoon, U.C.; Funnell, K.A.; Woolley, D.J.; Ambrose, B.A. et al., "The Architectural Complexity of Crown Bud Clusters in Gentian: Anatomy, Ontogeny, and Origin" JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE 139 1 (2014) 13-21-13-21
Chong, J.A.; Samarakoon, U.C.; Faust, J.E., "Effects of Daily Light Integral and Canopy Density on Shoot Growth and Development in a Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex. Klotsch) Stock Plant Canopy" HORTSCIENCE 49 1 (2014) 51-54-51-54
Samarakoon, U.C.; Funnell, K.A.; Woolley, D.J.; Ambrose, B.A. et al., "Anatomical investigations determining the origin of crown buds on the transition zone of gentians" NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF BOTANY 51 4 (2013) 264-274-264-274
Samarakoon, U.C.; Funnell, K.A.; Woolley, D.J.; Morgan, E.R., "Evaluation of Variation in Time of Harvest Maturity of Flowering Shoots in Three Cultivars of Gentian" HORTTECHNOLOGY 23 5 (2013) 595-601-595-601
Samarakoon, U.C., K.A. Funnell, D.J. Woolley, B.A. Ambrose, and E.R. Morgan., "Anatomical investigations determining the origin of crown buds on the transition zone of gentians." New Zealand Journal of Botany 51 4 (2013) N/A-N/A
Samarakoon, U.C.; Funnell, K.A.; Woolley, D.J.; Morgan, E.R., "Temperature impacts changes in crown buds and flowering of gentian 'Spotlight'" SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE 143 (2012) 49-55-49-55
Samarakoon, U.C.; Funnell, K.A.; Woolley, D.J.; Burge, G. et al., "Crown Buds in Gentians: Appearance, Shoot Emergence and Development" Acta Horticulturae 937 (2010)
Samarakoon, U.C.; Weerasinghe, P.A.; Weerakkody, W.A.P., "Effect of Electrical Conductivity of the Nutrient Solution on Growth, Yield and Nutrient Uptake of Leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in Stationary Culture." Tropical Agricultural Research. 18 (2006)
Samarakoon, U.C.; Peiris, S.E., "Control of circadian rhythm-regulated nyctinastic movement in water lily (Nymphea stellata Willd.) flowers" JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE & BIOTECHNOLOGY 80 2 (2005) 167-170-167-170
samarakoon, U.; Ling, P.; Altland, J., "Effect of Electrical Conductivity on the Productivity and Nutrient Uptake of Lactuca sativa `Salanova®´ grown using Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)" Acta Horticulturae
samarakoon, U.C.; yang, T.; altland, J., "Evaluation of organic substrates as an alternative to perlite for cucumber production in the Dutch bucket hydroponic system" Acta Horticulturae


Samarakoon, U.C.; Ling, P.; Grimm, L.; Gwin, B., "Greenhouse Management Workshop for K-12 Educators to Integrate Controlled Environment Agriculture and STEM to the School Curriculum." 2019.
Samarakoon, U.C.; Michel, J.; Virnston, B.; Horst, L. et al., "Effect of Calcium Chloride Spray on Powdery Mildew in Hydroponically Grown Lettuce" 2019.
Samarakoon, U.C.; Elder, D.R.; Crook, N.C., "Impact of Implementing a Project across Different Majors to Investigate Low-cost Hydroponic Technique to be Utilized in Ghana" 2018.
Samarakoon, U.; Palmer, J.; Ling, P.; Altland, J., "Quantifying the Effects of Electrical Conductivity, pH and Foliar Application of Calcium Chloride on Yield and Tipburn of Lactuca sativa L. Grown Using Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)" 2018.
Chiu, C.; Samarakoon, U.; Crook, J.; Faust, J., "Water Regulation of Unrooted Cuttings in Propagation" 2016.
Bennett, K.; Jent, J.; Samarakoon, U.; Faust, J., "The Effect of Calcium Chloride Sprays on Botrytis cinerea Infection of Petunia xhybrida Flowers in the Postharvest Environment" 2016.


"Optimization of Electrical Conductivity of the Nutrient Solution for Arugula Grown in Hydroponic Solution.." In ASHS (American Society for Horticultural Science) Annual conference. 2020.
"Calcium Chloride for Fungi Control. Greenhouse management workshop: Sustainable & Safe Crop Production." In Greenhouse Management workshop. 2020.
"Effect of Calcium Chloride on Powdery Mildew in Lettuce." In American Society for Horticultural Science annual meeting. 2019.
"Greenhouse management workshop for K-12 educators to integrate controlled environment agriculture and STEM to the school curriculum.." In American Society for Horticultural Science annual meeting. 2019.
"Root zone management for hydroponics." In K-12 workshop -Hydroponics and pest and disease management. 2019.
"Greenhouse industry overview, production cycle and propagation." In K-12 educator’s workshop on greenhouse basics. 2019.
"Root media, Nutrient and Water Management." In K-12 educator’s workshop on greenhouse basics 2018. 2019.
"Introduction to hydroponics and production systems." In K-12 workshop -Hydroponics and pest and disease management. 2019.
"Root-zone nutrient management for annuals." In Greenhouse management workshop. 2019.
"Basics of plant nutrition." In Greenhouse management workshop. 2019.
"Nutrient Optimization for Hydroponic Leafy Greens." In Horticulture and Crop Science seminar series. 2018.
"Greenhouse Industry Overview, Production cycle and Propagation." In K-12 educators workshop - Greenhouse Basics 2018. 2018.
"Root media, Nutrient and water management." In K-12 educators workshop on greenhouse basics 2018. 2018.
"Effects of EC, pH and Foliar Application of Calcium Chloride on Yield and Tipburn of Lactuca sativa L. Grown using Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)." In American Society of Horticultural Science. 2018.
"Project Based Learning Across Different Majors to Investigate a Low-cost Hydroponic Technique to be Utilized in Ghana." In American Society for Horticultural Science. 2018.
"Ohio State ATI- Research update on hydroponics." In Hydroponic workshop. 2018.
"Undergraduate research groups with peer mentorship in Ohio and Ghana W. Africa." In OATYC conference. 2017.
"Effect of Electrical Conductivity on the Productivity and Nutrient Uptake of Lactuca sativa `Salanova®´ grown using Nutrient Film Technique (NFT).." In International Symposium on Growing Media, Soilless Cultivation, and Compost Utilization in Horticulture. 2017.
"Hydroponics & Food Sustainability in Ghana." In Annual Conference of Midwest Institute for International/Intercultural Education. 2017.
"Lessons from hydroponic systems in Sri Lanka for research in lettuce production in Midwestern greenhouses.." In Annual Conference of Midwest Institute for International/Intercultural Education. 2017.
"Involving Ohio State ATI Students in Dry Season Hydroponic Greens Production Research for Ghana." In RCOSA Brown Bag Seminar. 2017.
"Water Regulations of Unrooted Cuttings." In American Society of Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference. 2016.
"The Effect of 1-MCP on Botrytis cinerea Infection of Petunia + hybrida Flowers in the Post Harvest Environment." In American Society of Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference. 2016.
"The Effct of Cacium Chloride Sprays on Bottytis cinerea Infection on Petunia + hybrida Flowers on PostHarvest Environment." In American Society of Horticultural Sciences Annual Conference. 2016.
"Quantification of Toning of Cuttings and Evaluation of Toning Following Calcium Nutrition.." In Annual Meeting of Floriculture Research Alliance. 2013.
"Crown Buds in Gentians; Physiology and Manipulation of Growth and Development." In Research Seminar Collage of Agriculture Forestry and Life Sciences Clemson university. 2013.
"Crown Buds in Gentians; Physiology and Control of Growth and Development.." In Plant Biology Meeting. 2012.
"Crown Buds in Gentians.." In Preseantation for researchers and extension officers in the Research Station. 2010.
"Crown Buds in Gentians; Initiation and Development." In Presentation for the visitors from Japan and scientists of The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited.. 2010.
"Crown buds in Gentians; Initiation and Development." In Post-graduate Seminar Series.The Institute of Natural Resources. 2009.
"Crown buds in Gentians; Determinant of Cut Flower Productivity.." In The Annual General Meeting of Gentian Gowers Group in New Zealand. 2009.
"Reasons for Spread of Flowering Time in Gentians.." In Massey University postgraduate seminar series.. 2008.
"Timing of Flowering of Gentians.." In The Annual General Meeting of Gentian Growers Group in New Zealand.. 2008.
"The Effect of Calcium Application Method to Increase Plant Resistance to Botrytis."
"Crown Buds in Gentians: Appearance, Shoot Emergence and Development." In 28th International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC) / International Symposium on Greenhouse and Soilless Cultivation / International Symposium on Advances in Ornamentals, Landscape and Urban Horticulture.
"Crown Buds Limit Floral Productivity in Gentians."
"Comparison of Calcium and Silicon Sources for Botrytis Efficacy and Phytotoxicity."
"Productivity and Timing of Harvest Maturity of Gentian 'Showtime Diva'; Influence of Dormancy-breaking Treatments, Development Stage, and Crown Bud Ontogeny."
"Quantifying the Effects of Preharvest Calcium Nutrition on the Toning of Unrooted Cuttings."
"The Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on Growth and Flowering of Clematis xhybrida."
"Quantifying the Effects of Chelated Calcium and Salicylic Acid on the Leaf Mechanical Strength of Poinsettia."
"Ethephon Applied during the Bulking Phase of Clematis Production Increases Shoot Number Following Vernalization."

Technical Reports

samarakoon, U.C., "Why an Ohio State Ag Tech Program is Now Offering Greenhouse Hydroponics Education" 2020.
samarakoon, U.C., "Ohio State ATI adds hydroponic production of vegetables to greenhouse and nursery management program" 2020.
Bennett, K.; Samarakoon Basnagala, U.C.; Faust, J.; Schnabel, G., "How to Prevent Petunia Flower Meltdown From Botrytis" 2018.
Samarakoon, U.C.; Bennett, K.; Jent, J.; Chu, C. et al., "Alternative Compounds to Control Gray Mold" 2016.
Additional Information: 

Current Lab members 

Milon Chowdhury 

Lesley Taylor

Alexandra Espinoza 

Hunter Myers 


Former lab members 

Teng Yang (Kansas State University)

Jon Michel 

Mariah Warner 

Ben Stover