Subbu Kumarappan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
1328 Dover Road, Halterman 144D, Wooster, Ohio 44691
Degree Information:
Ph.D., Michigan State University
Dr. Subbu Kumarappan is an Associate Professor in Ohio State University - Agricultural Technical Institute. He teaches courses in applied economics and business. He has a PhD degree in Agricultural Business and Strategy from Michigan State University. He also has degrees in agricultural economics from Iowa State University in the US and Punjab Agricultural University as well as Annamalai University in India. His research interests are in the areas of biomass supply for biofuels, renewable energy in the US, business entrepreneurship, and food supply chains in the US and India.
Teaching Highlights: Technology and interactive education are prominent and highly emphasized in his classroom teaching: this includes a variety of software simulations for student interaction in the classroom, Wolfram demonstrations of basic economics and finance principles, GoldSim Monte Carlo Simulation Software (www.GoldSim.com), simulations offered by MobLab, among others. He invites industry speakers regularly from Ohio, around the USA, and abroad.
Journal Articles
"Risk Management and Diversification in Agribusiness Plans: Student Perceptions Before and After Covid-19" NACTA Journal 64 Nov2019-Oct2020 (2020) 378-384-378-384
"Why Improv is better than Textbook Roleplays in Business Classrooms" AURCO Journal 2018 (2018) 144-161-144-161
"Statistical Feature Ranking and Fuzzy Supervised Learning Approach in Modeling Regional Rainfall Prediction Systems" Agris on-line Papers in Economics and Informatics 8 2 (2017) 117-126-117-126
"Do students really learn from online experiments? - Evidence from introductory microeconomics class" NACTA 39 3 (2016)
"Optimal Cellulosic Biomass Contracting with Multiple Feedstocks and Locations, and Multi-modal Transport" Natural Resources 7 (2016) 69-82-69-82
"Teaching Agribusiness Export Plans via International Video Teleconference – Perceptions, Problems, and Pointers" NACTA 58 1 (2014) 10-10
"Spatially and Temporally Optimal Biomass Procurement Contracting for Biorefineries" BioReources 9 2 (2014) 206-2089-206-2089
"Teaching Agribusiness Export Plans via International Video Teleconference – Perceptions, Problems, and Pointers" NACTA Journal 58 1 (2014) 39-45-39-45
"India's Vegetable Oil Economy and Consumer Preference for Blended Soybean Oil in South India" Indian Journal of Marketing 43 11 (2013) 14-23-14-23
"Teaching economic pluralism using the Hegelian dialectic principle" International Journal of Pluralism and Economic Education 3 2 (2012) 160-172-160-172
"Trading greenhouse gas emission benefits from biofuel use in US transportation: Challenges and opportunities" Biomass & Bioenergy 35 11 (2011) 4511-4518-4511-4518
"Trading greenhouse gas emission benefits from biofuel use in US transportation: Challenges and opportunities" Biomass and Bioenergy 35 11 (2011) 4511-4518-4511-4518
"'Historical perspective and role of entrepreneurship in Austrian economics’ – A review essay of Jesús Huerto De Soto’s book, The Austrian School: Market Order and Entrepreneurial Creativity" Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology 28A (2010) 15-15
"Intentional and Evolutionary Visions of U.S. Antitrust Law" Journal of Industrial Organization Education 5 1 (2010) 1-29-1-29
"Biomass supply for biofuel production: Estimates for the United States and Canada" BioResources 4 3 (2009) 1070-1087-1070-1087
"Globalization and localization as feedback mechanisms -- Internalization of economic externalities" Philosophy for Business 5 50 (2008) 1-1
"Growth and economic empowerment of people in Punjab: An overtime analysis of consumption" Journal of Agricultural Development and Policy 12 1 (2000) 1-15-1-15
"RURAL-URBAN LINKAGES - Temporal changes in rural and urban consumption patterns in Punjab" Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics 54 3 (1999) 420-428-420-428
"GHG Trading Framework for the U.S. Biofuels Sector" In Bio Fuels – Emerging Legal Horizons (ISBN: 978-93-80120-32-4). Edited by L Lakshi. 2009.
"Assessing the Influence of Microbe-containing Crop Biostimulants on Vegetable Crops and Farms through On-station and On-farm Study" 2018.
"GHG Trading Framework for the U.S. Biofuels Sector" Transition to a Bioeconomy: Environmental and Rural Development Impacts 2009.
"Teaching Soft Skills through Role-playing and Improv." In Ohio Inspiring Practices. 2020.
"Converting an Idea into a Business – a Step-by- Step Approach." In Today’s Ideas Together Towards Tomorrow’s Business. 2019.
"Tapping the Entrepreneurial Potential in You." In Special Lecture Programme. 2019.
"Economic Efficiency of Soil Amendments in Organic Corn Production." In NAREA Annual Meeting 2019. 2019.
"Economic Returns of Gypsum Application in Organic Corn Crop." In Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. 2019.
"Organic Corn Farmers: Common Soil Management Practices and the Economic and Agronomic Impacts." In 40th Annual OEFFA Conference - Just Farming: The Path Before Us. 2019.
"Microbe-containing Crop Biostimulants in Organic Vegetable Production: Lessons and Messages from Farmers, Researchers, and Manufacturers/Suppliers." In Organic Agriculture Research Forum. 2019.
"Soil Balancing in Organic Crops Production: Concepts, Practices, and Big Questions." In Organic Agriculture Research Forum. 2019.
"Soil Balancing Call-in Conversations (Third and Final )." In Call-in Conversation. 2018.
"Graduate Student Finance Workshops - Financial Tips and Tools for Career Success." In Financial Tips and Tools for Career Success. 2018.
"Mellinger Farm Field Tour." In Mellinger Farm Field Tour. 2018.
"Soil Balancing Effects on Specialty Crops and Their Soils, Weeds, Farms, and Growers.." In ASHS 2018 Annual Conference. 2018.
"Can you Create Immediate Impact Using Real World Examples Around You?." In Innovate 2018. 2018.
"The Economic Aspects of Microbial Based Solutions for Agriculture (MBSA)." In Monthly Seminar Series on MBSA. 2017.
"Innovations in Marketing – Promotions." In International Seminar Series. 2017.
"Economics of Environmental Issues." In Wooster March for Science. 2017.
"Impact of Immigration Patterns on US Exports." In Midwest Institute for International/Intercultural Education. 2017.
"Economics of Microbe-Containing Biostimulants/Biofertilizers (MCBSFs)." In National Conference Call on MCBSFs. 2017.
"Panelist and Presenter, Financial Basics for Entrepreneurs – A hands-on workshop." In Entrepreneurial Finance Workshop. 2017.
"What does it cost to control Varroa mites?." In USDA-SCRI Varroa/Virus Planning Grant Meeting. 2016.
"Using role-plays to engage students and teach soft skills." In 10th Annual Conference on Excellence in Teaching & Learning 'Making Teaching Matter at a Research University'. 2016.
"Social Media Strategies." In Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) 2016. 2016.
"Economics, Marketing, and Consumer Perspectives." In SCRI Bioproducts for Plant Production Workshop. 2016.
"Selling U - How to impress in interviews." In PKR College of Arts - International Symposium. 2015.
"Designing and Managing Projects." In P.K.Ramaswamy (P.K.R.) College of Arts - International Symposium. 2015.
"UCAT OSTEP: Internationalization of the Curriculum." In Annual Faculty and Professional Learning Communities Spring Reception & Poster Session. 2015.
"International Concepts in Agri Business Courses." In 22nd Annual Conference - Midwest Institute for International and Intercultural Education. 2015.
"Economic Tips for Decision Making in Organic Farms." In Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association. 2015.
"Do students learn from classroom economic experiments?." In Lilly Conference Series. 2015.
"Cultural Intelligence Training." In Workshop organized by the OARDC Scholars Association. 2014.
"Export opportunites for Indian spices." In Special presentation in an horticulture class in Annamalai University. 2014.
"Do Students Learn from Classroom Economic Experiments?." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2014.
"Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Global Agribusiness Curriculum." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2014.
"Session 1017 The Role of Social Networks in Rural Livelihoods and Food Security: Evidence from Pakistan, India, and Tanzania." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2014.
"Recent Topics in Social Media Marketing." In Special Arrangment with Department of Agriculture and Rural Management. 2014.
"Developing Financial Forecasts for a Business Plan." In Ohio Agricultural Education Summer Conference. 2014.
"Assessing and maximizing ecosystem services provided by the soil food web in long-term organic and transitioning farming systems." In OARDC Annual Research Conference. 2014.
"Career Opportunities for Ag-Bioscience Scholars." In Organized by BioHio Research Park and OARDC Scholars. 2014.
"Knowledge Retention in Quarters versus Semesters - A Case Study of Clicker Classroom." In Applied and Agricultural Economics Association. 2013.
"Technology Resources to Teach Economics and Business." In 2013 Ohio Agricultural Education Summer Conference. 2013.
"How to Develop, Refine, and Justify a Business Idea." In 2013 Ohio Agricultural Education Summer Conference. 2013.
"Diversity, Unity, Community - Active Engagement of Students on Diversity Issues." In 9th Annual Tri-State Diversity Conference. 2013.
"Strategies to Enhance Pedagogy in Clicker Classrooms." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2012.
"Optimal biomass-harvesting model for biobutanol biorefineries." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2012.
"Strategic Planning for Export-Import Businesses in the 21st Century." In Karaikkudi Institute of Technology and Management. 2012.
"Ways to Collaborate and Publish with International Researchers." In Dept of Agricultural Economics. 2012.
"Spatial Pricing Patterns of Cellulosic Biomass under Oligopsony." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2011.
"Strategies to enhance pedagogy in clicker classrooms." In Turning Technologies User Conference. 2011.
"Development of Biomass Supply Chains – Economic Issues." In Biofuels Law and Regulation conference. 2011.
"Testing for speculative behavior in US corn ethanol investments." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2010.
"Integrating Biomass Energy Production in Sustainable Mixed Farming." In Fourth Annual Growing the Margins Conference and Exhibition. 2010.
"Biomass supply chains for biofuel production – contracting issues." In Sixth Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioprocessing. 2009.
"Choice of optimum feedstock portfolio for a cellulosic ethanol plant – A dynamic linear programming solution." In Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. 2009.
"Trading Greenhouse Gas Emission Benefits from Biofuel Use in U.S. Transportation: Challenges and Opportunities." In Transition to a Bioeconomy: Environmental and Rural Development Impacts, October 15-16, 2008. 2008.
"Possible Effects of Corn Stover Removal on Soil Erosion in Iowa: A Panel Data Analysis." In 30th Southern Conservation Agricultural Systems Conference and 8th Annual Georgia Conservation Production Systems Training Conference. 2008.
"Economic Viability of Dedicated Energy Crops in US and Canadian Crop Portfolios – A Stochastic Dominance Analysis." In Joint Annual Meeting of Canadian Ag Economics Association/Northeastern Ag Resource Economics Association. 2008.
"Technological Resources for Economics Teaching." In Workshop for economics graduate students organized by MSU – Teaching Assistant Program. 2008.
"Cellulosic Ethanol Plant Investments under Uncertain Oil Prices – Implications from Real Options." In The Fifth Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioprocessing. 2008.
"Economic competitiveness of energy crops – A stochastic efficiency analysis." In The Fifth Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology & Bioprocessing. 2008.
"Future Bioenergy – A life cycle perspective on bioenergy options in North America." In The scientific foundation for sustainable forest biomass harvesting guidelines and policy. 2008.
"Lignocellulosic Ethanol – Prospects and Challenges." In Michigan Agri-Energy Conference 2007. 2007.
"Emissions Trading Opportunities for Ethanol and Biodiesel Producers - The US case." In Task 39 - International Energy Conference. 2006.
"Implications of Economic Externalities for Globalization." In Global Studies Association – North America. 2006.
Technical Reports
"A Profile of Organic Corn Production in the Midwest and Northeast - PART I: Farm Characteristics, Production Practices, and Soil Management Strategies" 2019.
"A Profile of Organic Corn Production in the Midwest and Northeast - PART II: Economics of Organic Corn Production" 2019.
"Checklist for Business Success: Organic Vegetable Production" 2015.