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CFAES Wooster


Mental Health Wellness is a shared campus responsibility!

The stress and anxiety of life, especially academic life, at times can become overwhelming. For some, the mental distress can become so great that they consider suicide as the only option to relieve the distress.  Each one of us can help prevent suicide by learning the risks, warning signs, and how to intervene.

REACH© is OSU's suicide prevention gatekeeper training program designed to help the OSU community prevent suicide by teaching faculty, staff, and students how to:

Recognize warning signs | Engage with empathy | Ask directly about suicide | Communicate hope | Help suicidal individuals access care and treatment

REACH© suicide prevention gatekeeper trainings are intended to provide general information about how to identify suicide risk and how to respond to any OSU student, staff, or faculty member who may be experiencing distress. REACH© is not a clinical mental health training; it does not teach suicide assessment or intervention strategies, nor is it a comprehensive training on suicide risk. Rather, it is designed to empower anyone to learn these skills, and especially individuals who are not licensed mental health professionals. The 90-minute training experience aims to increase knowledge and awareness of suicide risk and to inform attendees of our campus community resources. REACH© is aligned with national standards, best practices, and recommendations for suicide prevention gatekeeper trainings. As such, the training contains suicide statistics, stories surrounding suicide, and interactive role plays to help attendees better understand and engage with the material.

Please help us create a campus of caring and join us for:

Staff and Faculty of Wooster Campus REACH© Training

Tuesday, October 24th | 3:00- 4:30pm | Location – TBD  (further details will be sent to participates closer to the event)

If you have special needs and require any additional accommodations, please indicate the information through the RSVP.

RSVP here before October 10, 2023.  You may also contact Megan Strother (strother.15@osu,.edu) or Dr. Schaad ( directly.