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Livestock Judging Team’s first contest a success

The Junior Livestock Judging Team participated in its first competition on Sept. 30 at World Beef Expo in West Allis, Wis., and placed third overall among a total of 13 freshman teams. "This is an outstanding accomplishment for a team that has existed for just a few months," said Dr. Kristina Boone, director of Ohio State ATI and assistant dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University. “The judging team experience is an excellent way to improve critical thinking and communication skills, in addition to improving their knowledge of livestock.” In addition to placing third overall as a freshman team, first-year student Beau Johnson, an animal sciences-biosciences from Gallipolis, Ohio, was the sixth high individual. "I am so proud of the work this team is putting in to represent the program here at ATI as well as the entire state of Ohio," said livestock judging team coach Seth Ebert. "The team learned some lessons, but we are looking forward to continuing to work hard for the next one!"
