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Get an Information Literacy Endorsement from the Drake Insitute for Teaching and Learning

Submitted by Kathy Yoder,

Are you interested in learning more about information literacy and earning a teaching endorsement from the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning? Consider joining the upcoming Teaching Information Literacy cohort, scheduled from October 23-November 17. The cohort is open to all faculty and staff at Ohio State, including associated faculty and graduate teaching associates. 

During the period of the cohort, participants will be enrolled in Teaching Information Literacy, a six- module asynchronous course in CarmenCanvas. Participants will be expected to complete 1-2 course modules per week. The final project for the course is the completion of an Information Literacy Action Plan, in which participants outline their goals and plans for incorporating information literacy into a course or program. 

In addition to the asynchronous course, participants will also be encouraged, but not required, to attending synchronous virtual cohort meetings (via Zoom). Cohort meetings will take place on the following dates:
   • Wednesday, October 25, 3:00-4:00
   • Wednesday, November 1, 3:00-4:00
   • Wednesday, November 8, 3:00-4:00
   • Wednesday, November 15, 3:00-4:00

Participants who complete the course will earn the Teaching Information Literacy endorsement from the Drake Institute. An endorsement is a credential provided by the Drake Institute to identify and recognize faculty, staff and students who pursue excellence in teaching by participating in professional learning programs. 

Enroll here

For questions, email Jane Hammons (