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Research opportunities with Department of Defense

Submitted by Gary Pierzynski,

Please see below for several opportunities to learn more about funding initiatives and opportunities related to defense and space research.  CFAES does receive funding from the Department of Defense and this source of funding is being targeted by OSU since it is less prone to budget reductions in the current federal budget environment.  Space research is also a priority area for OSU as we are the home of the George Washington Carver Space Park that will serve the new low earth orbit space station that will be launched before the year 2030.

Wednesday, November 15th

Mr. Chirag Parikh, Deputy Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary, National Space Council, will deliver a public seminar on the role of the National Space Council and the Biden Administration's space priorities. This is tentatively scheduled for 11 a.m. in 1080 Physics Research Building; however, we do not yet have travel information, so this may need to be adjusted. Mr. Parikh is responsible advising the President on domestic and international policy across the civil, commercial, and national security sectors as well as for monitoring the implementation of the President’s space policy. Mr. Parikh previously served as the White House Director of Space Policy on the National Security Council, as the Deputy National Intelligence Officer for Science and Technology, and as a Senior Executive at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency where he held a variety of roles including leading collection and tasking of geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) sensors and the analysis of GEOINT data.  Registration information coming soon.


Thursday, November 30th

Dr. William P. "Pat" Roach, Chief Scientist, Air Force Office of Scientific Research will make his first ever visit to OSU and will offer an overview of AFOSR and its research programs to interested faculty, staff, and students. Additional Program Managers may accompany Dr. Roach. Details are not yet confirmed beyond the date, so stay tuned for updates. AFOSR is an important sponsor for Ohio State, so we wanted to get a 'save the date' out as quickly as possible. As Chief Scientist, Dr. Roach is the principal science and technology adviser to the Director in matters of formulation, planning, managing and integration of all Air Force basic research programs. The office has a staff of approximately 200 people and an annual working budget of nearly $500 million that supports more than 5,000 worldwide basic research projects critical to the defense of the U.S. The office selects, sponsors and manages research relevant to Air and Space Force needs in science and technology, and is the single manager for the entire Air and Space Force basic research programs. Details forthcoming.