Records Retention Task Force Resource Page: Links to professional development organizations, online journal resources and web resources
Records Management: A records retention schedule is a comprehensive listing of the records an organization maintains that notes how long they must be retained along with their ultimate disposition.
Instruction: A librarian can teach your students research skills in general and/or for a specific assignment. Librarians can also help you create research-effective assignments for any course.
AV Equipment: The library circulates AV equipment to students, faculty, and staff for university business.
Assigning Research: Learn how to get better sources from your students including what phrases to use on your syllabus and how the librarians can help.
Course Reserves: Course items like supplemental readings or a textbook copy can be put on reserve for students to access. The library offers both physical reserves in the library or eReserves through Carmen.
Copyright: The library is happy to assist faculty and staff with copyright issues pertaining to publishing, presentations, fair use, class handouts, etc.
Plagiarism Help: Instructors can get tips on how to teach students about copyright and what to do if they suspect it occurred.