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CFAES Wooster





Course Number Title Units Description Semester Prereq Notes
BUSTEC 2231T Fundamentals of Marketing U3 A survey of the field of marketing including functions, policies, problems, structure, strategies, and opportunities. Sp. 3 cl. Or concur: BUSTEC 1151T (BUSTEC 151T) or AEDEcon 2001 (200).Not open to students with credit for BUSTEC 231T. This course is available for EM credit.
COMPSTDS 2301 Introduction to World Literature U3 Analysis of oral and written literatures of diverse cultures and historical periods. Au, Sp. 3cl. English 1110 (110), or equiv. Not open to students with credit for 273. GE lit and diversity global studies course.  
CRPSOIL 2200T Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture U2 A study of the farm system as a whole and sustainable management methods for healthy soil, crop, and livestock. Au. 1 cl, 1 3-hr lab. Not open to students with credit for 220T. This course is available for EM credi
CRPSOIL 2300T Introduction to Soil Science U3 An introduction to soil physical, chemical, and biological properties related to plant systems, environmental quality, and construction. Au, Sp. 3 cl. Not open to students with credit for CRPSOIL 221T. This course is available for EM credit.
Introduction to Soil Science Laboratory
Laboratory analysis of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties related to plant systems, environmental quality, and construction.
Au, Sp. 1 3-hr lab. Or concur: CRPSOIL 2300T. Not open to students with credit for CRPSOIL 221T. This course is available for EM credit.
CRPSOIL 2422T Weed Control Technology U3
An introduction to the application of technologies used to control weeds in field cropping systems, including bioloigcal, chemical, and mechanic al methods.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab.   This course is available for EM credit.
CRPSOIL 2580 Soil Fertility and Fertilizers U3
A study of plant nutrient cycles, fertilizer recommendations, application of ag-lime, fertilizers, animal manure, and municipal biosolids.
Au. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. CRPSOIL  2300T and CRPSOIL 2301T. This course is available for EM credit.
GENMATH 1141T Business Mathematics U3
The mathematics of business and finance: including proportion, the income statement, simple interest, compound interest, annuities
amortization and sinking funds.
Au, Sp. 3 cl. 1040T or 1140T or Math placement level R or higher. This course is available for EM credit











Future online courses (in various stages of planning)

Course Number Title Units
COMPSTDS 2301 World Literature 3
CRPSOIL 2301T Intro to Soil Science, Lab 2
CRPSOIL 2200T Sustainable Ag 2
GENMATH 1141T   Business Mathematics 3
RELSTDS 2370 Intro to Comparative Religion