Submitted by David Dietrich,
Dear Campus Community,
I want to provide an update regarding the operations of our office due to the recent COVID-19 announcement. If you have any questions or concerns pertaining to the Office of Admission, please don’t hesitate to email or call.
While most of our staff will be working from home until at least March 30, 2020, each of us will be coming in from time-to-time to run reports, check mail, input prospective student names into our recruitment database, etc. We will be available through phone and email, so feel free to contact us per usual.
Personalized Visits
We have several prospective student visits scheduled through the months of March and April. The admissions team has been in contact with those students/families to either 1. Reschedule them (after April 20) knowing that there is a possibility that the visit could be pushed to an even later date depending on further updates or 2. Keeping their current visit date and offering them to link in via Zoom. To date, most families have chosen to reschedule. For those who are choosing to schedule a Zoom meeting, we will be reaching out to faculty for availability. We know that this is a busy/chaotic time, so please know that we are NOT promising a faculty meeting. However, we are strongly encouraging you to build in time when necessary. We are currently +14% in acceptance fees paid for fall and we need to keep the momentum going. Visits are crucial to recruitment and the opportunity students/families have to hear from faculty in their areas of interest is a primary reason families choose to visit and essentially enroll at our campus.
Group Visits
We have cancelled all group visits scheduled between now and April 15. Any group visits scheduled beyond that date will be re-evaluated at the end of the month.
Upcoming Events
As of today, we have not cancelled any of our upcoming events; however, a decision on whether we will proceed with them is listed below:
- Saturday, April 4 – Open House…decision to be made by 3/20/2020
- Thursday, April 16 – Up All Night…decision to be made by 3/30/2020
- Tuesday, April 28 – Admitted student day #1…decision to be made by 3/30/2020
- Friday, May 8 – Admitted student day #2…decision to be made by 3/30/2020
External Communication (i.e. direct mail, email (CRM), social media, telecounseling)
With exception of telecounseling, all external communication will operate as normal based on our communication plan. Once we have a better understanding of our student ambassador availability, we will continue with telecounseling. Until then, business as usual.
David Dietrich, M.B.A. Director of Recruitment & Admissions
The Ohio State University | ATI Office of Admissions
Halterman Hall | 1328 Dover Rd. Wooster, OH 44691
330.287.1203 Office | 330.287.1327 Front Desk