Gloria will be out of the office Monday 9/23 through Friday 10/4. The business office now has 3 portable WIFI units you can sign out for a class or research. We are now scheduling SKOU 217 as an additional conference room option.
Homecoming kick's off with Family Day on Saturday, Sept. 28th. Volunteers Needed!! If you can spare an hour or two, please sign up. Lunch will be provided and we ask that you wear OSU attire.
Leadership development for professionals who manage teams, departments, processes or projects.Registration Deadline is October 3, 2019. Contact Zac Burkey for more information.
Introducing Ohio State ATI's 2019 Homecoming Court: Queen Candidates: Becky Bernet, Hannah Herr, and Nicole McMullen and King Candidates: Ross Black, Hunter Sandwisch, and Sam Shilling