Submitted by Lori Kaser,
Hi Everyone,
I want to call your attention to the latest call for Letters of Intent to apply for the next round of Connect and Collaborate Grants. The process begins with a letter of intent rather than a full-blown proposal, making it much easier to present your ideas. Invitations to submit complete proposals are based on a review of the letters received. OSU Extension continues to be one of the lead funding partners for this opportunity.
Connect and Collaborate funding available for faculty, staff and students
Connect and Collaborate Grants Program incentivizes OSU-community teams to develop and grow meaningful partnerships that catalyze engaged teaching, research, and service programs with measurable and sustainable benefits to the community while advancing the strategic and scholarly goals of the university. Grants up to $70,000 are available. Letters of intent are due Tuesday, Oct. 2. An information session will be held on Thursday, Sept. 13 at 10 a.m. in the Research Commons and can be viewed online at