CFAES Give Today
Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


Cultured Meat: Developing an OSU Perspective

Submitted by Frances Whited,

A seminar about the future of cultured meat, its role in agriculture, industry impact, and discussion on consumer perceptions.

Where: Animal Science 117 and Research Services 130 or join us on Zoom

When: Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2:15 - 5:00 p.m.

We will gather insight from experts including:

Dr. Dustin Boler, an associate professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champain in the Department of Animal Sciences. Dr. Boler is also on the American Meat Science Association board and has recently testified at an FDA hearing focused on foods produced using animal cell culture technology.

Dominique Harris, a business development advisor for Cargill, a livestock meat and industry leader. Cargill has made significant investments in alternative protein sources such as the development of cultured meat technology. Ms. Harris will share the philosophical reasons Cargill has made these investments and what Cargill perceives as the future for these technologies.

Dr. Joy Rumble is an assistant professor with a joint appointment at Ohio State ATI and the Department of Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership within CFAES. Dr. Rumble has authored a manuscript describing media coverage of cultured meat technology, and she will share what she learned from this initial study along with other information about expected consumer perceptions and acceptance of this technology.

Associate Dean Gary Pierzynski will provide the welcome and introduction. Dr. Shauna Brummet, president and CEO of BioHio Research Park, and Drs. Lyda Garcia and Daniel Clark, both meat scientists in the Department of Anicaml Sciences, will also give a brief introduction to the technology and overview of the markets and investments by venture capitalists.

Please use this link to register for the seminar.