CFAES Give Today
Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


The Season of Giving

Submitted by Mick Steiner,

 Attention Faculty and Staff:
The Applewood Village Franklin Court RAs are hosting a give-back program this holiday season. This program is for the benefit of Akron's Really Recovered Home. This home helps men who are without a place to live as they transition out of rehab or prison while they establish a new foundation of life. These men are coming to the Really Recovered Home with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The Franklin RA's are creating care baskets for the men as a gift from our community to theirs. Any kind of contributions would be greatly appreciated by the Franklin team, as well as the men at the Really Recovered Home. 
All donations must be received by the ATI housing office by Friday November 20th at 4:30pm. Thank you in advice!
Questions may be directed to RA Brooke .
   The items include:
   • full body towels
   • wash cloths
   • winter hats and gloves
   • 3 in 1 shower soap
   • loofa
   • comb/brush
   • toothbrush and paste
   • deodorant
   • nail clippers
   • socks
   • chap-stick
   • snack foods
        o chips, cookies, candies, fruit, jerky, popcorn, etc
   • paper products
        o tissues, toilet paper, plates, paper towels/napkins
   • laundry supplies
   o detergent, dry sheets, laundry baskets
   • winter coats
   • underwear/boxers/briefs