CFAES Give Today
Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


Wednesday Wire: November 12, 2020

  1. Header Image:

Awards and Recognition

  1.   This year's Employee Recognition Banquet will be Friday, December 11 from 12:15pm to 1pm, following the virtual campus staff meeting.


  1. Submitted by David Francis,

    Friday Nov. 13, 11:30 AM

    Alysa Gauci “Determining the Scalability of Yield Monitor Data for On-Farm Research.”

    MS Proposal

    Join Zoom Meeting


  1. As a result of COVID-19 and a shift to online and hybrid learning, Ohio State's use of Zoom has grown exponentially over the past several months and use of the Zoom cloud is quickly approaching our storage limit. To address this, beginning December 18, recordings saved to the Zoom cloud


  1. The Applewood Village Franklin Court RAs are hosting a give-back program this holiday season. This program is for the benefit of Akron's Really Recovered Home. This home helps men who are without a place to live as they transition out of rehab or prison while they establish a new foundation of

  2. Rental returns reminder: Due December 11th (last day of finals) but you will either have to ship them back using the $5.00 per box label, return them in person (holiday hours will apply) or perhaps if you are done...return them before you leave for Thanksgiving.