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Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


Business Office updates

Submitted by Desiree Lutsch,


  • The business office has posted a Fiscal Associate position – the position will be posted until Sunday, March 8, 2020.  Please help spread the word and encourage potential applicants.  It is a great opportunity for someone with business education and/or a business background in experience.  The link to apply is:


  • In preparation for Workday we are performing the annual Asset review earlier this year.  Starting next week (spring break) and through the rest of March, Cindy and Desiree will be contacting Asset Custodians to arrange times to verify various items both capital and non-capital.
  • As a general reminder, any asset acquisition by any method should be reported to the business office.  This includes OSU transferred assets and Gift in Kind/donations.  The business office will make the determination of tagging and reporting to ensure that we are in compliance with University Policies.

ATI Workday Update March 2020

  • Because of workday, some things to think about are summer travel– if there are expenses that need to be paid in advance, please submit your travel request as early as possible.  There will most likely be a week or two period around the end of June and beginning of July where the current travel system will not be available and the transition to Workday will take place.
  • Getting used to the new lingo – the terminology that we are used to in the various systems we use such as eRequest will be changing.  Here is a chart of some of the differences, it’s time to think about the new system terminology: 

workday terms