CFAES Give Today
Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


You make a difference

Submitted by Katie LeMasters,

First, a HUGE thank you for the previous donations you have made to the Buck-I-Eat Pantry! Students from all over campus have been regularly utilizing this service as intended and we couldn't do this without our amazing community!
   And now a simple, concise question... Are you like my mom? Someone who stashes toothbrushes from the dentist in the depths of a closet pantry, only to then buy more toothbrushes - having forgotten about your already mounting closet stash in a repetitive cycle until you have a mountain of untouched toothbrushes? Do you love feeling great and being part of something bigger than yourself? If so, you're probably super awesome and you're going to love checking off some of the items on our wish list next time you go to the store... or your home pantry! (Yes - I have already raided my mother's stash of toothbrushes and they have all been taken by delighted students.)
   We've updated our needs list and hope that you will partner with us in donating something from the list below. Small or large, every donation makes a huge impact!

Current needs

   Thank you again for being part of this vital campus service!
   Donations as always can be taken to the SAC during regular hours of operation. 
   Or if you HATE shopping, you can donate financially any time and I'll do the shopping for you (I know, so convenient!)
   Thank you again!!!!!