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Planned Classroom IT Upgrades - Summer 2018

Submitted by Jeanne Osborne,

The IT classroom upgrades are continuing on the Wooster campus Summer 2018. 
Halterman 280, aka, the Design Studio is scheduled for a top-to-bottom refresh that will include new desks and chairs as well as a high definition projection system and hardware/software support for screen sharing from student iPads. The plans include 3 student workstations that will provide students the computer power needed to use industry-standard software packages. 
Skou 100, 101 and 105 are also planned for IT upgrades, which will include standardized classroom packages and screen sharing capacity so instructors using those spaces will be able to take full advantage of the student iPads in their interactions with students. Classrooms that were upgraded last summer/fall (Halterman 082, 124, and 285; Skou 201, 205, and 206; and the Construction & Landscape Building) are also planned to be retrofitted with screen sharing capacity. 
Any questions regarding the plans may be directed to Jeanne Osborne (osborne.2).