Submitted by Sara Mastellar,
Our equine faculty spent June 3rd-6th at the 2019 Equine Science Society meeting in Asheville, NC. Dr. Wimbush was involved in running the student competition and judging the equine reproduction section. Dr. Mastellar was an abstract reviewer for the teaching and extension section as well as a judge for the nutrition section. Both faculty and ATI alumna Hailey Kunath were involved in research presented at the conference. Links to the abstracts are below: Equine and wildlife use of and preference for salt blocks in pastures. H. Kunath*, K. Bennett-Wimbush, and S. L. Mastellar Postprandial glucose, insulin, and interleukin-1β responses to steam-rolled barley in lean and overweight horses. J. K. Suagee-Bedore* and S. L. Mastellar Effect of feeder style on behavior and cortisol concentrations in group-fed horses. K. Bennett-Wimbush*, S. L. Mastellar, and J. Suagee-Bedore