Submitted by Kayla Arnold,
We would like to invite all recently hired faculty, research scientists, and others to attend this full-day proposal-writing workshop. Our college is co-sponsoring this educational event in partnership with the OSU Office of Research and other colleges.
Attendance is limited and registration fills up quickly, so register now at
Planning and Writing Successful Proposals Workshop Tuesday, September 18, 2018 | 8:30am-4:30pm (lunch provided) Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau | 2201 Fred Taylor Drive Columbus, Ohio 43210
M.S. (Peg) AtKisson, PhD, Founder
AtKisson Training Group: This workshop contains a number of different approaches to the material, including lecture format, "in-classroom / flipped classroom," quizzes, and participant-lead instruction. Our presenter focuses on both the why and the how, turning conceptual ideas about the elements of successful proposals into concrete strategies.
Participants have two handouts. One contains most of the PowerPoint slides. The other contains text for "Study Hall" portions of the day, some example texts to follow during the discussion, graphics of the recommended timeline, theoretical framework for the proposal, and a suggested outline for the Overview page.
Some of the topics include:
. What goes in a grant proposal
. Integrating your work and your grant proposal
. Choosing a grant type and Idea Development
. Actual timeline for planning and writing your proposal
. Talking with program officer
. Review of your proposal
. The front page - how to draft a solid, compelling Overview
. Selling the Significance/Impact
. Describing the plan, literature, preliminary work, title & abstract, team, environment, and the costs
. Writing and formatting - how style impacts the communication of substance