Have a question about the CFAES IT Transformation and how it will affect the Wooster Campus? Ask ITsy!
Dear ITsy,
I understand EVERYONE is getting new computers! How exciting! When do I get mine????
Still Using a Stone Tablet
Dear Stone Tablet,
Alas, it's not like the Oprah Winfrey show..."You get a computer! And you get a computer! EVERYONE gets a computer!" What the SLA (that would be the Service Level Agreement -- the thing that specifies who is responsible for what) says is that computers that are currently out of warranty (generally, four or more years old) will be replaced. The good news is that your stone tablet probably falls into that category. The bad news (for you, at least) is that people with broken stone tablets -- I mean, broken computers or laptops -- will be first in line for replacements. IT is still gathering the information we need to create a plan for when each department/unit will begin working with OCIO (Office of the Chief Information Officer) on computer replacements and other services. Stay tuned for more details!
P.S. You can submit a question for me here.