Submitted by Kris Boone,
Dear CFAES Research Community,
I am pleased to announce the new Emerging Needs funding opportunity for the SEEDS program. A request for proposals is attached and information is also available at:
The objectives of the program are given below. Several important points: 1) $200,000 is available for the program; 2) individual projects can be funded up to $50,000; 3) Proposals are due March 2, 2020; 4) Investigators with projects funded through other SEEDS programs are eligible to submit to the Emerging Needs program; and 5) Due to the late notification for approval of funding for the program, the project narrative will be limited to 2 pages and an expedited proposal submission and review process will be used. It is our goal to provide award notification before April 1, 2020. Please carefully read the RFP to ensure eligibility and that submissions fit within the scope of the program and meet all requirements.
Fiscal Year 2020 Objective: Fund new and applied research in direct support of addressing critical issues affecting one or more commercial agricultural products important for Ohio and for which external funding is not readily available or adequate to support CFAES stakeholders. Preference will be given to projects that:
• Identify solutions to problems that can be directly and immediately implemented by producers
• Represent commercial agricultural products for which no or limited funding opportunities exist
Example projects would include, but are not limited to, soil fertility, insect, disease, pest, or weed issues with fruits, vegetables, berries, hemp, or other specialty crops in conventional or organic production systems.
Gary M Pierzynski,
Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education
Director, Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station
College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
106 Agricultural Administration Building, 2120 Fyffe Rd, Columbus, OH 43210
614-688-5681 Office