Submitted by Dee Dee Snyder,
31st Annual Teaching Academic Survival and Success Conference
March 1-14, 2021 (Virtual Asynchronous Conference)
Mission of TASS: Voice of the Practitioner
This is a conference for the serious practitioner who is passionate about helping all students, especially those who are underprepared or underrepresented, to survive and thrive in college and beyond.
This conference offers a holistic approach to academic survival from the points of view of college faculty, learning assistance and student support professionals, administrators, and high school teachers. This is the forum where they share lessons learned from evidence-based decisions and real experiences in the classroom, as well as tutoring, mentoring, advising, or counseling sessions.
It is for faculty, teaching student success courses and General Education courses in a variety of disciplines, who want to demonstrate and adopt effective, inclusive pedagogical methods that help students of diverse backgrounds learn.
It is for tutors, mentors, student success coaches, navigators, counselors, and advisors who share and learn from others best strategies in building our students’ academic and life skills.
At a time when there is rightly a growing focus on college completion, not just access, TASS is for administrators who want to share and learn new successful initiatives enhancing student engagement, retention, and graduation rates.