Submitted by Thom Janini,
In the past few years, I have had occasion to call 911 to request medical assistance for students that have either lost consciousness or experienced a seizure. In both cases, the students' roommate discouraged me from calling for assistance saying that this happens all the time and they just need a few minutes to recover. I still called for medical assistance by dialing 911. This happened recently, which prompts me to communicate here to faculty and staff the stance of ATI administration in this situation.
If anyone (student, staff, faculty, visitor, etc.) loses consciousness for any reason, without exception, call 911 immediately. We want the person to be assessed promptly by qualified medical personnel.
When calling 911, be sure to specify that you are on the Wooster Campus of OSU, the building and room number of the emergency, as well as the general type of emergency. Enlist others to go outside and flag down arriving emergency responders and direct them to the correct location. Because our classroom spaces are quite public, please maximize the person’s privacy by calmly directing students away from the activity and/or taking students to another temporary meeting place like Café Carmen or Skou Lounge.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
Thomas E. Janini, PhD
Assistant Director, Student Programming and Life
Certified OSU Suicide Prevention Program REACH© Trainer
Ohio State Agricultural Technical Institute
200 C Skou Hall, 1328 Dover Road, Wooster, OH 44691
Phone: 330.287.1287