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Ag comm faculty present posters, papers

Submitted by Kris Boone,

ATI faculty were well-represented at the National Agricultural Communication Symposium (Feb. 13 and 14, 2022) with a variety of papers and posters. 


  • The Pumpkin Queen: Applying Sarah Frey’s Narrative to Women’s Experience in Agriculture
    Alyssa Rockers and Joy Rumble– The Ohio State University
  • Young Mothers’ Trust of Celebrities and Influencers for Food Safety and Nutrition Information
    Linnea Langusch (Oklahoma State University), Taylor Ruth (University of Nebraska – Lincoln), Quisto Settle (Oklahoma State University), and Joy Rumble (The Ohio State University)


  • Comparing Industry and Consumers’ Preferred Learning Methods Regarding Conventional, Alternative, and Cultured Meats 
    Marlee E. Stollar, Joy N. Rumble, Emily B. Buck, Annie R. Specht, Wuyang Hu, and C. Lynn Knipe (The Ohio State University)
  • Trust in Triage: A quantitative survey investigating rural residents’ trust in science.
    Lauri M. Baker (University of Florida), Audrey E. H. King (Oklahoma State University), Cheng-xian Yang (University of Florida), Ashley McLeod-Morin (University of Florida), and Kristina M. Boone (The Ohio State University)