Submitted by Kris Boone,
We (Joyce Chen and Brandon Genetin of AEDE, Vlad Kogan of Political Science, and Alan Kalish of OAA) are running a study this semester on mitigating implicit bias in student evaluations of instruction. Additional information is available here:
All undergraduate instructors in Arts and Sciences and CFAES are eligible to participate, and Dr. Moore has graciously provided support for this project through ODI.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks in advance for your support.
We are writing to invite you to participate in a research study on implicit bias in student evaluations of instructions (SEI) at OSU during the Spring 2021 semester.
If you elect to participate, students in your undergraduate courses will be randomly assigned to treatment and control groups and then asked to complete the standard SEI form. Students in the treatment groups will receive expanded introductory materials for the SEI reminding them of (1) the importance of SEIs for instructors, (2) the role of implicit bias in evaluation, and (3) both factors together.
A prior study conducted at Iowa State University and published in PLOS One found that students assigned to treatment group (3) provided significantly higher ratings of female instructors compared to other students taught by the same instructors who did not receive the prompt, with no impact on the ratings of male faculty.
This study will assess the impact of a similar intervention at OSU, as well as disentangling the impact of treatments (1) and (2). Participating in the study may increase, decrease, or have no effect on your SEI scores. If you are interested in participating, please see the informed consent form for additional information regarding study design and potential risks and benefits associated with your participation. Please note: if a course session has multiple instructors, all instructors must agree to participate to be included in the study.
Please reply by February 24, 2021 to be included in the study.
Follow this link to the Consent Form: