Wednesday Wire: August 15, 2018
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Awards and Recognition
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Kate Yurick earns new certification
Submitted by Dee Dee Snyder,
Please join me in congratulating Kate Yurick on becoming recertified as a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor. Kate successfully passed the examination this summer.
Kate has shared with me that mastering the coursework to achieve this professional certification enhanced the work she did coordinating disability services on other campuses and has been great preparation for her work as an academic mentor in Program Excel.
Congratulations on your commitment to maintaining this certification Kate!
Ujor and Ezeji receive NSF grant
Dr. Victor Ujor and Dr. Thaddeus Ezeji have been awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for a project entitled "Developing second-generation hyper-producers of butanol from biomass by activating dormant pathways.” The total award amount is $318,902.00 for three years. The first year award amount is $95,779.00.
Renewable production of fuels and chemicals is growing. One strategy involves producing fuels and chemicals using microbes. Unfortunately, these chemicals often exert toxic effects on microorganisms at high concentrations. Butanol is one example of this. It has excellent properties as a transportation fuel. At high concentrations, it poisons the microbes that produce it. The central goal of the project is to enhance the ability of butanol-producing bacteria to withstand high concentrations of butanol. Undergraduate and graduate students will receive hands-on research training and mentorship. International outreach will focus on delivering a course on biofuels production in Nigeria. These experiences should prepare the students for successful careers in a global workforce.
Dr. Ejezi is an associate professor of animal sciences and is located on the CFAES Wooster Campus.
New ATI faculty member receives award
Submitted by Kris Boone,
Dr. Tracy Kitchel, chair of ACEL, has announced that Dr. Joy Rumble, our new Assistant Professor of Agricultural Communication, has earned the Award of Excellence in Research by the Association for Communication Excellence (ACE). According to their website, ACE is an international association of communicators, educators and information technologists. The organization offers professional development and networking for individuals who extend knowledge about agriculture, natural resources, and life and human sciences.
Although Dr. Rumble does not officially begin with Ohio State until August 15 and technically received this award under the University of Florida banner, we get the honor of keeping Dr. Rumble and her skills that contributed to her winning that award!
Dr. Rumble is one of our own, by the way, graduating from ATI with an A.S. in livestock science before going on to earn a B.S. and M.S. in animal sciences at CFAES. She went on to earn her doctorate at University of Florida in agricultural communication. She is a native of Mt. Gilead, Ohio.
CFAES Alumni Award nominations sought
Submitted by Kris Boone,
The CFAES Alumni Society Board is accepting nominations for the annual CFAEs Alumni Awards. Ohio State ATI has a pretty good track record with these awards! If you have someone in mind that you think is a good candidate, please contact Frances Whited. She can assist you in putting the nomination together.
The awards are:
Young Alumni Award
Distinguished Alumni Award
International Alumni Award
Meritorious Service Award (open to alumni and non-alumni candidates)To read up on the criteria for each award and see a list of past recipients, visit the website. The process is simple and requires a one-page nomination and up to two additional pages of supporting materials such as a resume or letter of support.
Nominations are due Saturday, Oct. 13, and the awards will take place Saturday, March 2. If you have any questions, contact Claire Badger at 614-292-0250 or
We hope that you’ll help us identify and honor the next group of honorees!
Creating a Walkable Bikeable campus
Submitted by Frances Whited,
OSU Wooster Focus Groups
August 16
Skou Hall Lounge
Times 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM
If you haven't already done so, please take the time to attend the last set of focus groups on making the Wooster Campus walkable and bikeable.
Questions? Contact David Civittolo
ATI welcomes three new faculty members
Submitted by Kris Boone,
Three new faculty members have joined the Arts, Sciences and Business Division.
Peggy Lindsey, assistant professor, will be serving as English Coordinator and teaching English and writing courses. She holds a Ph.D. from Auburn University, an M.A. and Graduate Certificate in Linguistics from University of Akron, and two bachelor's degrees from The Ohio State University. She was most recently a lecturer in the Department of Writing and Linguistics at Georgia Southern University. She has also held appointments at University of Dayton, Wright State University, and Capital University.
Joy Rumble, assistant professor, has a joint appointment with ACEL on the Columbus campus but will be housed at ATI. If her name sounds familiar, it's because she's one of our own. Dr. Rumble graduated from ATI in 2006 with an A.S. in livestock science. She went on to earn B.S. and M.S. at The Ohio State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Florida. Prior to joining our faculty, she was an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication at the University of Florida.
Jonathon Van Gray, assistant professor, will be teaching biology courses. He is completing his Ph.D. at Kent State University and holds an M.S. from Ohio University and a B.S. from The Ohio State University. His area of research is freshwater ecology. He has had various teaching responsibilities in the areas of aquatic ecosystems, microbiology, and introductory biology courses for science majors and non-science majors.
Please welcome Peggy, Joy, and Jonathon!
Your Input is needed for the 2019 CFAES Teaching & Learning Symposium
Submitted by Jeanne Osborne,
The CFAES planning team is getting to work to organize the CFAES 2019 Teaching and Learning Symposium to be held in August 2019 (details will be coming later, with a 'Save the Date'). Our goal is to design a unique professional development program for all members of the CFAES teaching community.
We need your input! What types of sessions would be valuable to support your teaching, advising and mentoring activities? Please complete the Qualtrics Survey found at: by next Monday, August 27, 2018. The planning team is meeting on Aug 30 and will be utilizing your feedback as we begin to design the symposium.
Thank you! -
Check out Padcaster!
Submitted by Valerie Childress,
We have a Padcaster!
What is it?
Padcaster transforms your iPad into a mobile video studio.How do I use it?
Snap your iPad into the frame then add any of the accessories you need to make a great video.Where can I get it?
You can check it out from the ATI library.
Available accessories:- Wide angle and macro lenses
- Led light
- Unidirectional mic
- Stick mic with clamp
- Lavalier mic
- Audio splitter
- Tripod
- Backpack
Ask ITsy
Have a question about the CFAES IT Transformation and how it will affect the Wooster Campus? Ask ITsy!
Dear ITsy,
I keep hearing that we are now going to get "OCIO services." I don't even know what that means. I just want my stuff to work.Signed,
Freaked OutDear Freaked,
Take a deep breath. It's all going to be OK. There's a bunch of OCIO services, the so-called "core services" that you probably won't even be aware of -- the behind-the-scenes things you take for granted, like being able to log into your computer, connect to networked printers, etc. Besides the core services, you'll get regular software and security updates automatically, support for Skype for Business, and access to a 24/7 IT Service Desk, to name just a few. And don't worry. There will still be friendly faces on campus to help you with any problems that crop up.
ITsyP.S. You can submit a question for me here.