Submitted by Kris Boone,
The CFAES Alumni Society Board is accepting nominations for the annual CFAEs Alumni Awards. Ohio State ATI has a pretty good track record with these awards! If you have someone in mind that you think is a good candidate, please contact Frances Whited. She can assist you in putting the nomination together.
The awards are:
Young Alumni Award
Distinguished Alumni Award
International Alumni Award
Meritorious Service Award (open to alumni and non-alumni candidates)
To read up on the criteria for each award and see a list of past recipients, visit the website. The process is simple and requires a one-page nomination and up to two additional pages of supporting materials such as a resume or letter of support.
Nominations are due Saturday, Oct. 13, and the awards will take place Saturday, March 2. If you have any questions, contact Claire Badger at 614-292-0250 or
We hope that you’ll help us identify and honor the next group of honorees!