Wooster Science Café
Spring 2021
This Wednesday, April 28th, 7-8 pm
“Biological control, a 21st-century technique to grow healthy plants”
Dr. Luis Cañas
How do we produce healthy plants? What is Integrated Pest Management? What is Biological Control?
Ohio is one of the leading states in the production of plants in controlled environments. To successfully produce food crops that are healthy, we use techniques that include integrated pest management. This means the use of different tactics to successfully prevent and control pests. One of those tactics is the use of biological control, which is the use of beneficial organisms that do not impact plants or humans to manage pests. At the same time, the use of biological control reduces our reliance on insecticides. Dr. Cañas will explain how biological control works and how it is used to keep plants healthy in the greenhouse, and how this can also be used at home.
Use this link to join us at 7pm: https://osu.zoom.us/j/93148343483?pwd=Qm1tQ3ZwMFZVZjF0L3djMXBoL3hLQT09
About the Wooster Science Café: The Wooster Science Café was established to promote dialogue in the Wooster community about scientific topics of general interest. It features a local scientist talking about a topic in their area of expertise and facilitating a discussion with the audience, and is co-sponsored by The College of Wooster and The Ohio State University. Normally, the Wooster Science Café is generously hosted by Spoon Market & Deli, but, for now, we are staying virtual. We encourage you to order some goodies from Spoon and curl up on your couch while you join us for some science!
And please SAVE THE DATE for our last Science Café on May 19th with Dr. Laura Burch presenting “Are you Serious?! Women and Science in France before 1800”.