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Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


NEWS: Outstanding Students Recognized

April 20, 2017

Wooster, OH -- Ohio State ATI recognized its outstanding students at the 28th annual Student Recognition Banquet on April 12. Students were selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, campus involvement, and work experience. 

Students honored were:

Kourtney Amber Burington
Environment and Natural Resources

Karlie Canfield
Agriscience Education

Alicia Coffman
Floral Design and Marketing

Nicole L. Churilla
Horse Science

Murphy Deitsch
Biochemical Sciences

Marissa Ann Engle
Agricultural Business 

Christopher Fyffe
Greenhouse and Nursery Management

Zachary Todd Gable
Agricultural Systems Management

Mitchell Stanton Gehret
Agriscience Education

Ann S. Gerten

Isaac Van Gundy
Renewable Energy

Grant Hodge

Rachelle Marie Howman
Agricultural Business

Mickayla King
Agricultural Communication

Haley Jo Kinney
Agricultural Business

Nathaniel Kinney
Dairy Science

Brandon Andrew Loebick
Livestock Production and Management

Ellie Logan
Agricultural Business

Charles J. Mader
Turfgrass Management

James Nathaniel Oney
Agricultural Business

Samantha Q. Oswalt
Agricultural Business

Hanna K. Preston
Biochemical Sciences

Shelby M. Roach
Livestock Production and Management

Ryan Schmidt
Greenhouse and Nursery Management

Elizabeth Scyoc
Livestock Science

Lacey Snyder
Animal Sciences

Emily Marie Sprang

Mary Elizabeth Sprang
Dairy Science

Jolyssa Marie Tedrow
Business Management

Sara Thwaits
Agriscience Education

Drew Wiseley
Animal Sciences

Laura Olivia Wood
Agriscience Education

Rachel Woodruff
Greenhouse and Nursery Management

Denver James Wright
Construction Systems Management

Bethany Ann Young
Livestock Science

Daniel Zellers
Horticultural Science