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Ohio State ATI

CFAES Wooster


News: Ohio State ATI scores 97/100 on new College Scorecard

Nov. 6, 2015

Wooster, OH -- The Brookings Institution has analyzed the U.S. Department of Education's new College Scorecard database to produce value-added rankings for nearly 4,000 U.S. colleges, based on the earnings of alumni. Among 1,507 two-year colleges, Ohio State ATI scores 97/100, the highest of any two-year public institution in the state. 

Value-added attempt to isolate the contribution of the college itself to student outcomes, as distinct from predictions of outcomes based on student characteristics or the level of degree offered. According to the Brookings Institution, "Drawing on government and private sources, this report analyzes college 'value-added,' the difference between actual alumni outcomes (like salaries) and the outcomes one would expect given a student’s characteristics and the type of institution. Value-added captures the benefits that accrue from aspects of college quality we can measure, such as graduation rates and the market value of the skills a college teaches, as well as aspects we can’t."

The complete report can be found here.