Michael Amstutz, Ph.D.
Professor and Coordinator, Livestock Sciences
1328 Dover Road, Halterman Hall, Wooster, Ohio 44691
Degree Information:
B.S., Willmington College
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Journal Articles
"Student Perceptions of Animal Use in Society" NACTA Journal 59 2 (2015) 134-138-134-138
"Characteristics and welfare of horses used for transportation in northeast Ohio" The Professional Animal Scientist 30 1 (2014) 99-104-99-104
"Fostering Political Activism in Animal Agricultural Courses" NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGES TEACHING AGRICULTURE JOURNAL 55 3 (2011) 44-48-44-48
"Characteristics and Employer Perspectives in Undergraduate Animal Industry Internships" NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGES TEACHING AGRICULTURE JOURNAL 55 1 (2011) 55-59-55-59
"Characteristics and Employer Perspectives in Undergraduate Animal Industry Internships" North American Colleges Teaching Agriculture Journal (2011)
"Effectiveness and student demographics of peer-led study groups in undergraduate animal science courses" NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGES TEACHING AGRICULTURE JOURNAL 54 1 (2010) 76-81-76-81
"Limited effects of a commercial direct-fed microbial on weanling pig performance and gastrointestinal microbiology" Journal of Swine Health and Production 14 5 (2006) 247-252-247-252
"Simultaneous indirect activity measurements of GH and PRL genes in the same, living mammosomatotrope" American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism 277 6 40-6 (1999)
"Charcterisitcs and welfare of horses used for transportation in northeast Ohio" The Professional Animal Scientist