Here are some tips to improve students' research when assigning a paper/project requiring sources:
- ask for a minimum number of sources
- specify what types of sources they can/should use (journal, magazine, book, general website, library databases, etc.)
- limit the age of the source if necessary based on the topic
- limit the number of general websites to use as sources
- explain how they should cite their sources (ATI courses use MLA)
- encourage students to use the ATI Library as a resource for help
- if you post the assignment in Carmen, include links to the library catalog, databases, etc.
How the library can help:
- a librarian can come into your class and teach students about research skills, plagiarism, and citations
- you can reserve the library computer lab (15 computers) for a research class period, and a librarian will be on hand to individually help your students
- a librarian can create a library page in Carmen with direct links relevant to your class
- as always, every student gets individual attention when they ask for help in the library
Be aware:
- your assignment might be a student's first attempt at college research
- do not use the phrase "print source" because many scholarly articles that were printed in a journal are also available online in a library database
- all students are required to take tutorials during orientation class that teach them research skills
- Wikipedia, facebook, blogs, etc. should never be used as a source, but they can lead to good sources
- review the Research portion of the library website for information about student research