Annual Report
The annual report gives a snapshot of the library for the year and includes statistics from every facet of the library including traffic count, collection, ILL (InterLibrary Loan), A-V, circulation, reference, instruction, tutorials, etc.
Information Literacy Tutorials/Assessments
All students in the ATI orientation courses take six library tutorials covering sources/reliability, searching, books, databases, internet, and copyright/plagiarism. Students take a pretest before the tutorials, then a post-quiz after the tutorials. Long-term follow-up testing is done one to two years later to measure retention over time.
In April 2010, the Library did a campus-wide survey of students, faculty, and staff to obtain opinions and perceptions of the library and its services. The results were overwhelmingly positive!
Students who received instruction from a librarian in their class completed a feedback survey in February 2012. The results indicate students are comfortable searching the library and learned a lot!
Disaster Manual
The library developed a disaster manual for staff to use during and after a disaster. (Some information like cell numbers and emergency contacts have been removed for posting online.)