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CFAES Wooster


Jonathan Witter, Ph.D.

Jonathan Witter, Ph.D.
Chair, Horticulture Division; Associate Professor - Agronomy & Soils
1328 Dover Road, Skou 221F, Wooster, Ohio 44691
Degree Information: 
Ph.D., The Ohio State University


Journal Articles

Ranjan, P.; Witter, J.D., "Promoting adoption of two-stage agricultural drainage ditches: A change agent perspective" PLoS ONE 15 3 (2020)
Kalcic, M.; Crumpton, B.; Liu, X.; D'Ambrosio, J. et al., "Assessment of beyond-the-field nutrient management practices for agricultural crop systems with subsurface drainage" Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73 1 (2018) 62-74-62-74
Roley, S.S.; Tank, J.L.; Tyndall, J.C.; Witter, J.D., "How cost-effective are cover crops, wetlands, and two-stage ditches for nitrogen removal in the Mississippi River Basin?" Water Resources and Economics 15 (2016)
D'Ambrosio, J.L.; Ward, A.D.; Witter, J.D., "Evaluating geomorphic change in constructed two-stage ditches" Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51 4 (2015)
Kroeger, R.; Czarnecki, J.M.P.; Tank, J.L.; Christopher, S.F. et al., "Implementing innovative drainage management practices in the Mississippi River Basin to enhance nutrient reductions" Journal of the American Water Resources Associatioin 51 4 (2015)
D'Ambrosio, J.; Williams, L.; Williams, M.; Witter, J. et al., "Geomorphology, habitat, and spatial location influences on fish and macroinvertebrate communities in modified channels of an agriculturally-dominated watershed in Ohio, USA" Ecological Engineering 68 (2014)
D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J., "Another innovative drainage management channel design: the self-forming channel" Ohio Country Journal July (2012)
Roley, S.R.; Tank, J.L.; Stephen, M.L.; Johnson, L.T. et al., "Floodplain restoration enhances denitrification and reach-scale nitrogen removal in an agricultural stream" Ecological Applications 22 (2012)
D'Ambrosio, J.L.; Witter, J.D.; Ward, A.D., "When good ditches go bad: is your agricultural drainage ditch working for you?" Ohio Country Journal 20 (2012)
Witter, J.D.; D'Ambrosio, J.L.; Ward, A.D., "Considerations for implementing two-stage channels" Ohio Country Journal August (2011)
Witter, J.D.; Ward, A.D.; D'Ambrosio, J.L., "Predicting stream dynamic equilibrium in a central Ohio watershed" Journal of Natural and Environmental Sciences 2 1 (2011)
Surendran-Nair, S.; King, K.; Fausey, N.; Sohngen, B. et al., "Importance of crop yield for calibrating watershed water quality simulation tools" Journal of the American Water Resources Association 47 6 (2011)
D'Ambrosio, J.; Williams, L.; Witter, J.; Ward, A., "Effects of geomorphology, habitat, and spatial location on fish assemblages in a watershed in Ohio, USA" Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 148 1-4 (2009)
Witter, J.; Lyon, J.; Puskas, B., "Differential GPS geometric rectification on fine-resolution aircraft scanner data" Journal of Surveying Engineering 2 127 (2001) 52-58-52-58
Mecklenburg, D.,Witter, J. and A. Ward, "Stream restoration by fluvial biogeomorphic succession: applications of a self-forming stream design concept in Ohio, USA" TBD
Roley, S.S., J.L. Tank, M. Lipscomb, and J.D. Witter, "How cost-effective are cover crops, wetlands, and two-stage ditche for nitrogen removal in the agricultural Midwest?" Journal of the American Water Resources Association


"Fluvial processes in agricultural ditches in the North Central region of the United States and implications for their management" In Agricultural drainage ditches: mitigation wetlands of the 21st century. Edited by Moore, M.; Kroger, R.. 2010.
"Two-stage channel geometry: active floodplain requirements" In Encyclopedia of Water Science. Edited by Trimble, S.; Stewart, B.; Howell, T.. 2008.


Winston, R.; Sester, L.; Witter, J., "Factors Affecting Gross Solids and Anthropogenic Litter Volume and Mass in Stormwater Runoff from Roads" Novatech Conference 2020.
Mecklenburg, D.; Ward, A.D.; Witter, J.D.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Spreadsheet Tools for River Evaluation, Assessment, and Monitoring" River Flow 2014 International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics 2014.
D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A.; Witter, J.; Tank, J., "Ecological services of constructed two-stage agricultural ditches" 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop - ASABE 2012.
D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A.; Williams, L.; Witter, J., "Consideration of hydrology, hydraulics, and stream morphology to effectively meet state and national water quality standards" 21st Century Watershed Technology Conference and Workshop - ASABE 2012.
Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D’Ambrosio, J.; Tank, J. et al., "The sustainability and nitrate reduction potential of two-stage agricultural ditches" ASABE International Meeting 2011.
Ward, A.; Mecklenburg, D.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J., "Spreadsheet Tools for River Evaluation, Assessment, and Monitoring (STREAM)" World Environment and Water Resource Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability 2011.
Kallio, S.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J., "Beyond the field: a look at agricultural ditch floodplains as a water quality BMP" CIGR 2010 World Congress 2010.
Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Predicting dymanic equilibrium in streams in the Olentangy River watershed, Ohio, USA" CIGR 2010 World Congress 2010.
Kallio, R.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J., "A decade later: the establishment, channel evolution, and stability of innovative two-stage agricultural ditches in the midwest region of the United States" CIGR 2010 World Congress 2010.
Nair, S.; Sohngen, B.; King, K.; Fausey, N. et al., "Integrated watershed economic model for non-point source pollution management in Upper Big Walnut Creek watershed, OH" AAEA (Agricultural and Applied Economics Association), CAES (Canadian Agricultural Economics Society), and WAEA (Western Agricultural Economics Association) Joint Annual Meeting 2010.
Ward, A.; Mecklenburg, D.; Farver, D.; Witter, J. et al., "Insight on the variable nature of channel and bank-forming discharges" American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Annual International Meeting 2003.


"Quantifying the mass and volume of gross solids/trash in stormwater runoff." In ASCE Operation and Maintenance of Stormwater Control Measures Conference. 2019.
"Factors affecting gross solids and anthropogenic litter volume and mass in stormwater runoff from roads." In Novatech Conference. 2019.
"Impact of agricultural runoff - stormwater solutions." In 5th Annual Lorain County Stormwater Management Meeting. 2019.
"Monitoring Runoff Particle Size Distribution and Trash in Runoff from Ohio Roads." In Ohio Stormwater Conference. 2019.
"Characterizing particle size distribution and trash in stormwater runoff from Ohio roads." In National Hydraulic Engineering Conference. 2018.
"Waterways and channels." In 2018 ODOT Bridge Inspectors Annual Meeting. 2018.
"Alternative stream channel maintenance at bridge crossings." In Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting. 2018.
"Alternative stream channel maintenance at bridge crossings." In ODOT Research Results Seminar Series. 2017.
"Alternative stream channel design at bridge crossings." In Ohio Transportation Engineering Conference. 2016.
"P-Filter Design for Runoff and Tile Draiage." In 16th Annual Meeting of the American Ecological Engineering Society. 2016.
"Ditch Modifications - Two-Stage and Overwide Channels." In Twenty-Fourth Annual Conservation Tillage & Technology Conference. 2016.
"An integrated approach to foster science-based management of agricultural drainage channels in the Western Lake Erie Basin." In NIWQP and AFRI Project Directors Meeting. 2014.
"An integrated approach to foster science-based management of agricultural drainage channels in the Western Lake Erie Basin." In Phosphorus along the land-river-lake continuum. 2014.
"N and P removal in drainage ditches." In Conservation Tilage and Technology Conference. 2014.
"Two-Stage Survey and Design Concepts." In Two-Stage Ditch Design Workshop. 2013.
"Two-Stage Ditches: History, Benefits, and How It can be an Effective BMP." In Two-Stage Ditch Design Workshop. 2013.
"Key Stream Geomorphology Factors and Applications of the STREAM Modules." In STREAMS Workshop. 2013.
"An integrated approach to foster science-based management of agricultural drainage channels in the Wester Lake Erie Basin." In 68th International Annual Conference. 2013.
"Enhanced Channel Design/Two-Stage." In Ohio NRCS State Technical Committee Meeting. 2013.
"Ecosystem Services of Constructed Two-Stage Agricultural Ditches." In Proceedings of the 13th American Ecological Engineering Society Conference: Ecosystems for Water and Energy. 2013.
"Re-evaluating the role of modified channels in supporting fish and macroinvertebrate communities.." In Proceedings of the 13th American Ecological Engineering Society Conference: Ecosystems for Water and Energy. 2013.
"Research and Science." In Two-Stage Ditch Workshop. 2013.
"Overview of two-stage ditch spreadsheet.." In Two-Stage Ditch Workshop. 2013.
"Design Recommendations for Two-Stage Ditches." In Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium. 2013.
"What is a two-stage ditch?." In Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. 2012.
"Considerations in Siting Two-Stage Ditches." In USEPA Region 5 - Two-Stage Ditches. 2012.
"Two-stage ditch planning and design." In Two-stage ditch and bioreactor field day. 2012.
"Two-stage ditch, Hillsdale, MI." In Joint meeting of the Agricultural Drainage Managemen Systems Task Force and NCERA 217. 2012.
"Alternative ditch design and management strategies: lessons learned." In Indiana Watershed Leaders Academy. 2012.
"Tools for determining the water quality benefits of two-stage ditches." In Minnesota Two-Stage Ditch. 2012.
"Managing drainage ditches to remove P." In Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. 2012.
"Spreadsheet tools for sizing channel systems." In Minnesota Two-Stage Ditch. 2012.
"Benefits and opportunities for two-stage ditch implementation." In NRCS Tri-State Meeting. 2011.
"Alternative best management practices for agricultural drainage channels." In Great Lake Regional Water Program - Two-Stage Ditch Symposium. 2011.
"Incorporating two stage ditches into Ohio's conservation programs." In Ohio NRCS State Technical Committee Meeting. 2011.
"Stream Channel Design Assessment." In 2011 Ohio Statewide Floodplain Managers Conference. 2011.
"Introduction to ecosystem services in the context of stream restoration." In Promoting and Protecting Ecosystem Services: A Holostic Approach to Selecting and Designing Stream Restoration Projects Workshop. 2011.
"STREAM Modules." In Advisory Committee on Water Information (ACWI) Subcommitte on Sedimentation. 2011.
"Effects of geomorphology, habitat, and spatal location on fish assemblages in the Olentangy River watershed, Ohio." In Environmental Sciences Evening Colloquium. 2010.
"Approaches to drainage ditch systems." In Indiana Watershed Leadership Program and Ohio Watershed Academy. 2010.
"How agricultural drainage systems can be enhanced for ecological functions." In Indiana Watershed Leadership Program and Ohio Watershed Academy. 2010.
"For your streams only." In National Nemo Network U7. 2010.
"Beyond fields, lawns, and detention ponds: water quality management opportunities in streams and ditches." In Olentangy Watershed Forum. 2009.
"Tools for urban stormwater BMP tracking and assessment." In Northeast Ohio Long-Term Maintenance and Tracking. 2009.
"Stormwater modeling to improve local land use planning." In 16th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Conference. 2008.
"Stream restoration techniques for reduction of nutients and other NPS pollutants." In Ohio AWWA - Southeast District Summer Meeting. 2008.
"Two-stage and overwide channels." In The Sandusky River watershed symposium. 2006.
"Environmental benefits of various conservation practices." In Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference. 2006.
"Upper Olentangy watershed program." In SouthEast Ohio Water Environment Association. 2004.
"Two-stage ditch design, cost analysis, and case studies." In Self-Sustaining Solutions for Streams, Wetlands and Watersheds. 2004.

Technical Reports

Witter, J.D.; Mecklenburg, D., "Streamlining implementation of sustainable channel maintenance practices." 2019.
Winston, R.J.; Witter, J., "Evaluating the Particle Size Distribution and Gross Solids Contribution of Stormwater Runoff from Ohio’s Roads" 2019.
Winston, R.J.; Witter, J., "Particle size distribution and gross solids in Ohio’s stormwater runoff" 2019.
Witter, J.D.; Liu, X.; Moran, M.; Ward, A., "Water quality benefits of two-stage channel systems" 2017.
Witter, J.D., "Alternative stream channel maintenance at bridge crossings" 2017.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Bagley Ditch" 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Fisher Run." 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Columbia Street Ditch" 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, A., "Self-forming channel case study: Corathers Ditch" 2013.
Ward, A.; Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Mecklenburg, D. et al., "Tri-state hydraulic geometry relationships for sizing two-stage ditches." 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Heckman Creek" 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Turkey Run" 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Clover Groff Run" 2013.
Witter, J.; Mecklenburg, D.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Enhanced Channel Design Version 1.0 - User Guidance Manual" 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Honey Run" 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Beem Ditch" 2013.
Mecklenburg, D.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J.; Ward, A., "Building better ditches: the self-forming channel" 2013.
Witter, J., "Planning and design guidance for two-stage and self-forming channels." 2013.
Witter, J.; Frankenberger, J.; Wilson, B.; Magner, J. et al., "Building regional capacity to implement the two-stage ditch design concept" 2012.
Witter, J., "A scientific investigation to better understand, evaluate, and predict instream processes in natural, modified, and constructed streams in Ohio" 2011.
D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J.; Ward, A., "Building better ditches" 2011.
D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; Mecklenburg, D., "Approaches to enhancing ecosystem services in modified headwater channel systems" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Two-stage channel case study: Klase Ditch" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Two-stage channel case study: Creel Ditch" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Magner, J.; Ward, A. et al., "Economics of implementing two-stage channels" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Two-stage channel Case study: Van Gorder Ditch" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A.; Magner, J. et al., "Considerations for implementing two-stage channels" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Two-stage channel case study: Sugar Creek" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Two-stage Channel case study: Davis-Freeman Ditch" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Two-stage channel case study: Crommer Ditch" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A.; Mecklenburg, D., "Two-stage channel case study: Needles Creek" 2011.
Ward, A.; Powell, G.; Jayakaran, A.; Witter, J. et al., "Selecting and sizing a two-stage channel system in an agricultural landscape" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Two-stage channel case study: Tributary to Bull Creek" 2011.
Witter, J.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A., "Ohio EPA/The Ohio State University collaboration to enhance Ohio EPA's capability of modeling nutrients in watersheds, streams, and ditches" 2011.
Dorsey, J.; Webb, R.; Witter, J.; Mecklenburg, D. et al., "Modeling the effectiveness of traditional and innovative stormwater management strategies Part 1 - development site scale" 2010.
Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Draper, J. et al., "An evaluation of two-stage ditch implementation costs" 2010.
Witter, J.; Mecklenburg, D.; Dorsey, J.; Webb, R. et al., "Improving land use in the Lake Erie Basin through better planning, improved regulations and stormwater modeling: Part 2 - watershed scale impacts of stormwater and stream corridor management" 2010.
Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J.; Kallio, S., "Baseline study of McKibben Ditch and Riffle Creek" 2009.
Ward, A.; D'ambrosio, J.; Witter, J., "Determining discharge in a stream" 2008.
Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J.; Jayakaran, A. et al., "Floodplains and streamway setbacks" 2008.
Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J.; Witter, J., "Channel-forming discharges" 2008.
Witter, J., "Stormwater best managment practices database" 2007.
D'Ambrosio, J.; Ward, A.; Witter, J., "Olentangy River watershed Total Maximum Daily Load study" 2006.
Witter, J.; Brown, L.; Skalak, K., "Section A - watershed resource inventory" 2006.
Witter, J.; Brown, L.; Skalak, K., "Section B - management and action plan" 2006.
Mecklenburg, D.; Witter, J.; Ward, A.; D'Ambrosio, J., "Self-forming channel case study: Clear Creek Tributary"
Magner, J., Hansen, B., Ward, A., Witter, J., D'Ambrosio, J., and D. Mecklenburg., "Guidelines for sizing southern Minnesota agricultural ditches."
Witter, J.D.; Mecklenburg, D., "Streamlining implementation of sustainable channel maintenance practices"