This is a lengthy list, but necessary - Reminders, due dates, and info shares:
- Syllabus Statements There were no changes to the syllabus statements sent out in AU24. LINK
- Participation Rosters To comply with Federal Title IV regulations, The Ohio State University collects information regarding whether a student begins attending or participating in each class at the beginning of the semester or session. All instructors are required to complete a grade roster to report student participation during the first week of classes. The roster allows you to either answer "yes" the student has attended or participated in some way, or "no" the student has not attended and has not participated. When completing the "participation roster," be cognizant of students who have made you aware of other commitments including religious holidays for which they are seeking an excused absence. View a list of religious holidays and the Office of Academic Affairs' expectations for accommodations. Participation rosters for full-term and first session Spring classes will be available on Sunday, January 5. Participation rosters are due from faculty on Monday, January 13. For more information go to:
- Early Alert and Intervention Per our usual practice, we will be requesting information from all those who are teaching courses at Ohio State ATI regarding student grades to date, assignment completion and grades, attendance, and any other indicators of student success or risk that you have collected. You will receive the request during week 6 of the semester (February 10), and responses are due to be submitted into OnCourse by Wednesday, February 19, of week 7. For this to be an effective intervention tool, it is important that you have grade, attendance and success indicators built into the first 6 weeks of your courses to provide feedback to students, and that you respond to the request for information in a timely manner.
- Identification and intervention with at-risk students are a critical part of the retention efforts at Ohio State ATI. A Student of Concern Form is available on the Ohio State ATI website and you are encouraged to use this any time during the semester that you have concern about a specific student’s actions or performance.
- Carmen All courses should have a Carmen page with an accessible syllabus, necessary course materials, and grades. Grades should be kept current throughout the semester.
- All electronic communication with students and job-related communication with other faculty and staff at the University are to be done via your official OSU email address( Do not use personal email addresses on your syllabus or in your communication with students as this is not a secure means of communication and does not comply with University policy. University policy also requires that email communications to students must be through their university email address.
- IT Reminder This is a good time to remind everyone that if you have any emergency issues during business hours, you should call 614-514-4848 as that will put you in touch with any of the staff on duty. Do not share that number with students. If you have email access and its urgent but not an emergency, please don’t reach out to individuals for help but rather email as that creates a “ticket” that any of them free can work on (or can be addressed by Columbus if need be). Please direct students to call 614-688-4357 for IT support.
- Student code of conduct
- Academic Integrity and Misconduct