Student loans offer low-interest funding to help cover educational costs, with repayment starting after graduation, withdrawal, or dropping below half-time (6 credit-hours) enrollment. A valid promissory note is required for disbursement.
William D. Ford Direct Loan Program
Ohio State offers two types of Federal Direct Loans:
- Subsidized Loan: The government pays interest while you're in school.
- Unsubsidized Loan: You're responsible for interest during school; unpaid interest is added to the principal.
For more information on Federal Direct Loans, click here. All first-time borrowers must complete online Entrance Counseling and an online Master Promissory Note (MPN).
Federal Direct Loan Link for:
• Entrance Counseling
• Master Promissory Note (MPN)
• Exit Interview
• Parent PLUS MPN
Federal Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
Parents can borrow to support their child's education. Deferments are available while the student is enrolled at least half-time and for six months after.For additional information, click here.
Private Loans
Privately funded and administered loan programs which provide additional funding for unmet school expenses. For additional information and a list of potential lenders, click here.