Your education is one of the most important investments you will make in your lifetime. The key is early planning and keeping your options open. The more information you have about the financial aid process, the better prepared you will be to navigate the system.
Financial aid consists of need based grants, educational loans, school-year student employment, and University and Ohio State ATI scholarships. Other financial aid consists of federal parent PLUS loan and private student/parent loan options. These programs are available to assist families in meeting the cost of attending Ohio State ATI.
Future Student? View Types of Aid opportunities.
Current or Campus Change Student? View Types of Aid opportunities.
Buckeye Opportunity Program
The Buckeye Opportunity Program ensures that all eligible Ohio resident students who qualify for a Federal Pell Grant receive enough student financial aid to cover the full cost of undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees. Many eligible students have their tuition and mandatory fees covered through a combination of scholarships and aid from federal, state, institutional and donor programs. For students whose aid falls short, Ohio State's Buckeye Affordability Grant bridges any gaps and fulfills the spirit of the Buckeye Opportunity Program. Majority of new students who meet the requirements, will not be eligible to receive the grant until Spring semester of their first academic year.
Buckeye Affordability Grant eligibility requirements for ATI/Regional campus students:
• Ohio resident, degree seeking, undergraduate student
• Must be SAP eligible
• On-time FAFSA (submitted by Feb. 1 each year - The university priorty deadline for the 2024-2025 FAFSA has been extended to March 15, 2024
• On-time verification
• Pell eligible and have a remaining tuition balance after other eligible aid is applied
• Must maintain full-time enrollment at the regional/ATI campus (12+ credit hours)
2024-2025 Academic Year Checklists
Future Student?
Ohio State ATI Financial Aid Checklist
Current or Campus Change Student?
Ohio State ATI Financial Aid Checklist