We all share the important responsibility of protecting Ohio State’s institutional data. All staff members have access to varying classes of data depending on their role at the university. While only select staff members may have access to the most restricted (and thus protected) institutional data, you still may come into possession of this data at some point at Ohio State.
To understand your responsibility in situations like these, you are encouraged to complete a short activity in the Cybersecurity for You (C4U) awareness platform. This simple, 7-minute activity will:
Explain what institutional data is
Inform what you should do if you find this data out of place
Provide useful tools to protect institutional data
This activity’s completion is due by April 26. Not only will you learn important tips to keep the university’s data safe, but completing the activity (and taking the associated quiz) will get you one step closer to completing Level One and your annual, university-required cybersecurity awareness training.
Please contact us at IDP-Support@osu.edu with any questions.