D. R Elder, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Coordinator, Humanities and Social Sciences
1328 Dover Road, Halterman Hall, Wooster, Ohio 44691
Degree Information:
Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Courses Taught:
Gen Hum T1190.01 and FAES 3797 11th Annual Ghana Study Abroad: The Arts in Ghana with Service Learning 6 semester hours
Gen Hum T1190.2 Humanities as a Window on Cultural Diversity: Visual Arts Globally 3 semester hours
Music 2250 Music Cultures of the World 3 semester hours
RS 1500 Introduction to Rural Sociology 3 semester hours
Amish Singing: Songs of Identity and Solidarity Johns Hopkins University Press. 2014.
Journal Articles
"STORYTELLING SONGS OF THE ÈWÈ-DÒMÈ OF GHANA" African Music Vol. 11 No. 1 (2019) 91-112-91-112
"Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning: Interdisciplinary Project-Based Learning: Developing Low-Cost Hydroponic Systems for Developing Low-Cost Hydroponic Systems for Subsistence Farmers in Ghana" NACTA 63 1a (2019)
"Extending the Academic Teaching-Service-Research Model To the Undergraduate Education Abroad Experience" AURCO Journal (2019)
"Celebrating African Arts: How Traditional Leader Stories, Narratives and Proverbs Inform Contemporary Ghanaian Life." International Journal of Social, Political, and Commmunity Agendas in the Arts 14 3 (2019) 1-17-1-17
"“Menᴐ Aƒime--I Was There”: Multi-Disciplinary Methods for Intercultural Undergraduate Research" National Social Science Journal - Proceedings Publications 63 1 (2018) 42-49-42-49
"Aural Iconography: Singing Preserves Community, Continuity and Solidarity." The International Journal of Arts Theory and history 9 2 (2015) 1-8-1-8
"Herd Health Interventions and Farmer Participation near Ho, Ghana." Proceedings of the African Studies Association 56th Annual Meeting Proceedings 1 (2013) 1-1
"Why Girls’ Education Matters More: Collaborative Research Continues in Ho, Ghana." Ohio Association of Two-Year Colleges 12 2 (2012) 12-14-12-14
"Why Girls' Education Matters More: A Student Survey in Ho, Ghana" NACTA Journal 54 2 (2011) 48-52-48-52
"Why Girls' Education Matters More: A Student Survey in Ho, Ghana" NACTA Journal June 2010 (2010) 48-52-48-52
"Collaborative Research on Girls' Education and International Study Abroad" Midwest Institute for International Education March 2010 (2010) 10-11-10-11
"Why Girls’ Education Matters More:Expanding the Collaborative Research in Ho, Ghana" OATYC Journal (2010)
"Microfinance Pilot Project: Agriculture Students Partner with Ghanaian Farmers" National Social Science Association Journal
"Herd Health Interventions and Farmer Participation near Ho, Ghana" African Studies Association 2013.
"Cultural Change and Transferring Traditional and Scientific Agricultural Knowledge Between Parents and Children in Ghana" National Social Science Association Annual Meeting
"An Informal Research Cluster to Promote Mentoring and Collegialty." In 25th Annual AURCO Conference. 2019.
"Undergraduate research groups with peer mentorship in Ohio and Ghana W. Africa." In OATYC conference. 2017.
"Local Efforts for Rural Development in Ghana." In Grounds For Thought Coffee and Lecture Series. 2017.
"Lions, Spiders, and Termites, Oh My!: Valued, Yet Imperiled, Moments in Ewe Storytelling.." In 12th International Conference on the Arts in Society. 2017.
"Hydroponics & Food Sustainability in Ghana." In Annual Conference of Midwest Institute for International/Intercultural Education. 2017.
"Involving Ohio State ATI Students in Dry Season Hydroponic Greens Production Research for Ghana." In RCOSA Brown Bag Seminar. 2017.
"Only Marry One Wife: Stepmothers and Ewe Storytelling Research with Ohio State ATI Students." In RCOSA Brown Bag Seminar. 2017.
"Cultural Change and Transferring Traditional and Scientific Agricultural Knowledge between Parents and Children in Ghana." In National Social Science Association Annual Meeting. 2015.
"Parent Child Agriculture Technology Transfer." In Ohio State Columbus International Scholarship Symposium. 2015.
"Community Development Service Learning: 11th Annual Ghana Study Abroad." In MIIIE Annual Conference. 2014.
"Herd Health Interventions and Farmer Participation near Ho, Ghana.." In African Studies Association Annual Meeting. 2013.
"The Craft of Amish Singing in the Service of Continuity and Solidarity." In Eighth International Conference on the Arts in Society. 2013.
""Introducing Protestantism in Cyprus: Faculty Discovery for the American Classroom Through International Teaching." In "Fulbrighters Minding the Gaps (and Bridging Them)". 2012.
""'Rich with Happiness, Music and Culture': Undergraduate Development Projects and Learning Rural Sociology"." In Local Solutions to Inequality, Rural Sociological Society. 2012.
"Growing Tolerance Through International Education." In The Arts in Society. 2008.
"Mapping the Future: Educating for Sustainable Development." In Educating for Sustainable Development. 2007.
"Service Learning in a Rural Two-Year Community College, 23 March 2007.." In CCCC Representation and Re-Presenting Identities. 2007.
""The Arts and International Service Learning with Agricultural Students," NACTA conference June.." In NACTA. 2005.
""The Arts of One Africa Village, Kpenoe, Volta Region, Ghana," at the Midwest Institute for International Studies Annual Conference, Lorain Community College, 4 April.." In MIIS. 2003.
"‘Bedenke Mensch’: Singing as Socialization Among the Amish." In Society for the Anthropology of Religion, National Conference, 5 April 02. 2002.
"Amish Music. German Music Symposium, Ohio Historical Society at Zoar Village on 21 September 2002." In Ohio Historical Society. 2002.
"“Bedenke, Mensch! das Ende: Amish Children Sing Themselves into the Community" at the national conferenceof the Rural Sociology Society, 15 August, 2002." In Rural Sociology Society. 2002.
"School Singing and Socialization in the Amish Culture. Niagara Society for Ethnomusicology, Fredonia, NY, 20-21 April 2001.." In Society for Ethnomusicology, Niagara Chapter. 2001.
"Es sind zween Weg: Amish Nursery Singing. MidAtlantic Society for Ethnomusicology, Pittsburgh, PA. March 31-April 2.." In Society for Ethnomusicology, Midwest Regional. 2001.
"In der Stillen Einsamkeit: School Singing and Socialization in the Amish Culture. Anabaptist Sociological and Anthropological Association National Convention, June 14-16, 2001. Elizabethtown, PA.." In Anabaptist Sociological and Anthropological Association. 2001.