Interested in taking a course at another institution? Make sure that the college/university you are taking a course from has the proper accreditation. Ohio State will not accept transfer credit from unaccredited colleges and universities.
The following information will help you to prepare if you are thinking about taking a course somewhere other than Ohio State:
- Before registering for courses, make sure you understand how the courses you are planning to take will transfer, and whether they will fulfill any requirements you still need met in order to complete your degree.
- Start planning early. Colleges/universities may have an application that needs support from your academic advisor; learn about the process before meeting with your advisor. It is also wise to check when classes start/end at the institution you are applying to (to ensure they don't overlap with Ohio State's term dates).
- If you are a current Ohio State ATI student planning to take a course to apply towards your associate degree, you must complete a Petition for Transient Status form in the Ohio State ATI Academic Affairs Office.
- If you are using Transferology, you should make a copy for your records of the web page indicating how a course will transfer to Ohio State.
- If you want to take a course in a state that doesn't participate in Transferology, the Registrar's Transfer Credit site offers a link to OSU's Quick Equivalencies table that includes additional out-of-state institutions.
- SAVE YOUR SYLLABI. If a course has not already been evaluated for transfer to Ohio State, departments will often require you to submit a syllabus they can use in making their evaluation.
- Grades from another institution will not transfer to Ohio State and cannot be used to boost your Ohio State GPA. Some majors, however, will consider the grade you earned in their admission decisions.
- If you are taking the course you plan on transferring back to Ohio State as part of your preparation to apply to a competitive program (undergraduate or graduate), it is wise to ask how that program would view your taking the course at another institution.
If you are planning on taking a course at another institution the term you are graduating, please carefully read the information below in order to prepare for a smooth course transfer.
- Verify with the Ohio State ATI Academic Affairs Office that the course you are taking will complete a degree requirement, and that you have completed or are planning to complete all remaining requirements
- You must complete a Waiver of Residency with the Academic Affairs Office (instead of the Petition for Transient Status form mentioned above)
- Find out when the final exam is scheduled it may conflict with graduation or even be scheduled AFTER Ohio State's commencement. You might need to request to take your final early. If you are unable to take the final early, talk with your advisor about how best to handle this situation.
- Ask if the institution where you are taking the course will automatically send a final transcript to Ohio State or if you need to request the transcript. Either way, you need to have a final transcript sent to Ohio State, to verify that you successfully completed the course and initiate its transfer, to fulfill your degree requirements. Arrange to have an official transcript sent directly to The Ohio State University, Undergraduate Admissions, PO Box 182646, Columbus, OH 43218-2646.
- It is wise to follow-up with the instructor to make sure he/she submits grades in time to meet Ohio State's grades deadline for commencement. If your college is not notified that you have successfully completed a degree requirement, they cannot certify you and you will not receive your diploma on the day of the commencement ceremony. If this happens, please know that you have until the second Friday of the following term to resolve issues and receive your diploma.