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Horticultural Technology

Plant Materials for Turfgrass Managers

Fri, 2020-05-15 11:49 -- Anonymous
Identification, growth habits, cultural practices, environmental adaptation, and utilization of woody trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers and common herbaceous annuals, perennials, bulbs and ornamental grasses. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for Turfgrass Management. Prereq or concur: GenBiol 1250T (125T). Not open to students with credit for 2110T (243T), 2120T (244T), or 249T. This course is available for EM credit.

Wedding Floral Design

Thu, 2020-05-14 17:45 -- Anonymous
A specialized course in wedding design with emphasis on bouquets, body flowers, church flowers, reception flowers, and floral consultation for weddings. Au Qtr. 2 cl, 2 3-hr labs. Prereq: T264. Not open to students with credit for Plnt Tec T287.

Introduction to Ornamental Horticulture

Thu, 2020-05-14 17:45 -- Anonymous
An overview of the ornamental horticulture industry exploring the five major segments of the industry: greenhouse management, floriculture, nursery production, landscaping, and grounds management. 1 3-hr cl. Open to non-degree students in outreach, weekend college, and evening programs. Not open to students with credit for Plnt Tec T222.

Group Studies

Tue, 2020-05-12 05:34 -- Anonymous
Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue special studies not offered in other courses. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions.

Landscape Design II

Tue, 2020-05-12 05:34 -- Anonymous
Advanced development of design skills: master planning, perspectives, functional usage and further development of graphical skills. Sustainable and ecological design, erosion and specialty situations included. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for Landscape Horticulture Design Specialization. Recommended prereq: 2350T. Prereq: 2360T. Not open to students with credit for 233T.

Landscape Construction II

Tue, 2020-05-12 05:34 -- Anonymous
The second of a two course sequence dealing with the actual physical construction of selected landscape features, project planning, and management. A grade of C or better required to meet graduation requirements for Landscape Horticulture Construction Specialization. Recommended prereq: 2191.30T (290.03T). Prereq: 2320T (235T). Not open to students with credit for 236T.


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