Designed to give groups of students an opportunity to pursue special studies not offered in other courses.
Prereq: Permission of instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions.
A study of the principles, skills and approaches of sustainable agriculture needed to balance the social, economic and environmental dimensions of farming.
Sp Qtr. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab.
A study of cropping systems and marketing strategies related to sustainable agricultural enterprises.
Prereq: 2200T (220T). This course is available for EM credit.
A study of the economic importance, adaptation, cultural practices, harvesting, and cost analysis for producing the major field crops grown in Ohio.
Wi Qtr. 2 cl, 1 2-hr lab. Prereq or concur: 221T. Not open to students with credit for Plnt Tec 203T.
A study of economic and management principles involved in planning, organizing, operating, and administering a farm business; emphasis placed on developing a business plan and problem solving.
Prereq: AEDEcon 2105 (BusTec 101T or 102T). Prereq or concur: BusTec 1151T (151T) or AEDEcon 2001 (200). Not open to students with credit for BusTec 240T. This course is available for EM credit. Cross-listed in AnmlTec.
A study of plant nutrient cycles, fertilizer recommendations, application of ag-lime, fertilizers, animal manure, and municipal biosolids.
Prereq: 2300T and 2301T. This course is available for EM credit.
An introduction to the application of technologies used to control weeds in field cropping systems, including biological, chemical, and mechanical methods.
This course is available for EM credit.
An applied study of the crop species, field management practices, and agricultural technologies used to grow grasses, legumes, and forbs for forage and livestock production systems.
This course is available for EM credit.
A study of sustainable-use of soil resources related to soil formation, mechanics, and erosion control.
Prereq: 2300T and 2301T. This course is available for EM credit.
Laboratory analysis of soil physical, chemical, and biological properties related to plant systems, environmental quality, and construction.
Prereq or concur: 2300T. Not open to students with credit for 221T. This course is available for EM credit.