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Animal Sciences Technology

Basic Horsemanship

Fri, 2020-10-02 00:44 -- Anonymous
Study of equine behavior, applied safe horse handling techniques, and an introduction into basic training and handling methodologies. Prereq or concur: 2201T. Not open to students with credit for 2801T or 2811T.

Principles of Farm Business Management

Mon, 2020-07-20 17:02 -- Anonymous
A study of economic and management principles involved in planning, organizing, operating, and administering a farm business; emphasis placed on developing a business plan and problem solving. Prereq: AEDEcon 2105 (BusTec 101T or 102T). Prereq or concur: BusTec 1151T (151T) or AEDEcon 2001 (200). Not open to students with credit for BusTec 240T. This course is available for EM credit. Cross-listed in CrpSoil.

Dairy Cattle Facilities, Environment, and Equipment

Mon, 2020-07-20 17:02 -- Anonymous
Design and management of dairy cattle facilities, environment, and associated equipment; emphasizing milking equipment and parlors, animal housing, environmental control, waste management, feeding systems, and utilities. 1 to 3 day field trips, including weekends, may be required. Students pay costs associated with field trips (lodging, transportation, meals, etc.) above Ohio State tuition & fees. Prereq: GenMath 1040T or Math 1050 or Math placement level R or higher. Prereq or concur: 3167T. This course is available for EM credit.

Small Ruminant Production and Management

Mon, 2020-07-20 17:02 -- Anonymous
The application of science and basic principles of nutrition, genetics, physiology, and marketing to the production and management of sheep, goats, and other small ruminants. One to 3 day field trips, including weekends, may be required. Students will pay costs associated with field trips (lodging, transportation, meals, etc.) above Ohio State tuition and fees. Recommended prerequisites: 2582.04T, 3130T, 3132T, 3140T, 3150T, 3170T. Prereq: 2202T and 2510.04T.


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