Starting in Fall 2024, the Sustainability Institute and the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning are teaming up to build a learning community focused on effective teaching about sustainability. We are looking to form a cohort of 12–14 faculty members of all ranks interested in exploring innovative approaches to the pedagogy of sustainability across the full range of academic disciplines at Ohio State. Participating faculty will become catalysts for transformative pedagogy and leaders for sustainability education across the campus
Sustainability is one of the most urgent issues of our time. Its complexities pose a significant challenge to the traditional division of knowledge and require new forms of collaborative and transdisciplinary learning. Participants in the learning community will work together to identify common obstacles to effective teaching, analyze best practices, and develop a set of core competencies for sustainability learning. The Drake Institute expects to establish a Teaching Endorsement for Sustainability to offer additional resources and mentoring support for faculty members revising existing courses or developing new ones.
The Sustainability Learning Community presents a unique opportunity for members of your faculty to work with a network of colleagues across the university. The learning community will meet monthly during AY 24-5, focused on exploring best practices in sustainability pedagogy grounded in participants’ teaching interests. Participants will receive a stipend of $1150 from the Drake Institute, and additional support from the Sustainability Institute, for work on specific projects of instructional re-design.
Learning communities thrive on the diversity of perspectives that members bring to their shared focus. We would very much value the knowledge and experience that members of your department would bring to this initiative. The deadline for applications is August 12, 2024.