The Ohio State University
CFAES Wooster
The James Mobile Mammography Unit will be on the CFAES Wooster Campus on September 18, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Applications for tuition assistance benefits must be submitted each term, and the enrollment window for autumn semester closes Aug. 25.
Do you have a part-time job that might be appropriate for one of our ATI students (either FWS or not)?
Faculty and staff can enter to win an opportunity to cheer on the Buckeyes at the annual Ohio State faculty and staff appreciation football game.
This year, CFAES will be participating in Ohio State’s Faculty and Staff Appreciation Week (July 31 – August 6, 2023) over the course of a few weeks.
Forrest Lange, who is joining ATI's faculty this fall, is leading the Summer Farm Camp at the Christian Children’s Home of Ohio.
New baby announcement for Robby & Alyssa Frutchey!
There are eight 1-hour workshops over the lunch hour for instructors who want help teaching information literacy this fall.