Students interested in pursuing College Credit Plus at Ohio State ATI should observe the following deadlines and timeline:
Application and Testing Deadlines*
- Autumn semester: May 1
Testing, if necessary, must be completed by June 1. Updated materials from deferred applicants must be received by June 15.
- Please have your scores sent directly to Ohio State to expedite the application review process.
- Spring semester: October 15
Testing, if necessary, must be completed by November 15. Updated materials from deferred applicants must be received by Nov. 15.
- Summer term: February 1
Testing, if necessary, must be completed by March 1
(Note: there are very few summer courses available at Ohio State ATI)* Non-public and home-school students should note additional details and deadlines below.
Application Timeline:
- February 1 - online application is available on the Ohio State website
- March 1 - application deadline for non-public and home-school students who plan to apply for state funding for fall or spring term. Students who miss this deadline may enroll as self-pay students.
- April 1 - deadline to submit letter to your school counselor/district of your intent to participate in the College Credit Plus Program April 1 at 5 p.m. - deadline for non-public and home-school students to apply for state funding. (Visit for additional instructions.)
- May 1 - deadline to apply for the autumn semester (All documents must be received and testing, if required, must be completed by June 1.)
- May 31 - deadline for applicant's Mature Content Permission Slip to be completed (Look for the link in the email you receive after you apply.)
- June 1 - ACT, SAT, and/or ACCUPLACER testing must be completed, if necessary. (Note: the June ACT will not be accepted for Autumn admission consideration).
- July - autumn semester orientation and advising (date to be determined)
- Tuesday, August 20, 2024 - first day of Autumn 2024 semester classes
- October 15 - deadline to apply for spring semester classes (All documents must be received and testing, if required, must be completed by November 15.) Note: You still need to meet the April 1 deadline for informing the school district of your intent to participate in College Credit Plus.
- November 1 - deadline for applicant's Mature Content Permission Slip to be completed (Look for the link in the email you receive after you submit your application. You must activate your OSU username and password to access and submit the permission slip.)
- November 15 - ACT, SAT, and/or ACCUPLACER testing, if necessary, must be completed for spring semester admission.